i moved here... and now i'm stuck?

hey guys,

i moved to rochester for grad school and looks like i’ll be staying afterwards

ive got an M3 and a Ninja 250.

both are really slow! :eekdance:

enjoying rochester, but sure miss the nice cars you see in bigger cities, so it would be cool to catch up with other auto enthusiasts in the area and check out their rides.



Rochester kind of sucks you in…I’m trying to get out now. Came here for undergrad and 6 years later I’m still here.

I am in buffalo, and I miss rochester dearly!!

Welcome to the site :wave:

welcome :wave:

welcome. what gen m3


I am from rochester and moved to buffalo after school. i do miss rochester. a lot cleaner city imo.


i actually have to agree, rochester seems nicer than buffalo…i’ll be there for school in a year and a half

Welcome, any pictures of this M3?

Wasn’t Rochester rated one of the top 5 nicest cities last year? Regardless, welcome aboard



welcome :wave:

Fixed, and


Rochester always seemed really ghetto whenever I’ve been there.

I’ve always felt buffalo and Syracuse were way more ghetto and blue collar vs. Rochester.

lol so which part of Rochester are you “stuck” in?

Pics of M3 stat.

That’s because historically Rochester has always been a more white collar city with big companies like Kodak, Xerox, Bausch and Lomb located in the area. I know I wouldn’t be living out here if it weren’t for Xerox.

Rochester’s south eastern suburbs >

(East Rochester sucks though)

I have a feelings its an e36 :x:

Boring places like Rochester love to dominate “best places” lists due to low cost of living and decent housing and employment rates (since no bums are stupid enough to stay).

What school are you doing grad school at?