I need a good Body Shop. Suggestions?

Well, some gentleman of questionable intelligence backed into my Dakota last night doing about 15MPH and crunched the bumper, the turn signal light, and i think probably at the very least bent the bumper support on the truck.

I need to get an estimate from a good shop so that I can get some $$ off this guy and get this thing fixed.

Anyone have any recommendations on a body shop?


Me again :dunno:
why don’t you let me build yo a bumper so you won’t have to worry about people backing into you anymore:rolleyes:

Thats exactly my plan. But I need to get an estimate first so that I can get the check so that I can give it to you to do.

take it to a dealer, they’ll give you the hightest estimate and the estimate’s free to get from a dealer

Good Idea… I didn’t even think about that.


greater pittsburgh auto. I dunno if they would even give an estimate for your dakota, but it will probaly be among one of the most expensive.