I need help and advice for the end of the rest of my life


go to aruba, super nice and generally out of the paths of most hurricanes. That’s where we went

go to northeastern and look at wedding bands there. this month they are running and buy one, get one. so if you spend $1,000 on her wedding ring, you can normally get up to $1,000 ring for yourself.

Make sure she goes with you to help pick it out a ring, so you can get one that is somewhat matching.

and as much as you don’t think it now, having a few small diamonds in your wedding band is always a good idea. hell if your dropping a $1,000 on her ring, might as well spend the $1,000 on your ring too.

Yeah most outdoor wedding have an in case of rain option. My cousin just got married last August at the Pruyn House. It was an outdoor ceremony “garden wedding” is what I think they called it. Then all the seating for the reception after was located in an old badass reclaimed barn on the property. They were lucky and the weather was gorgeous but if it rained it would have still been comfortable for everyone.

Good group of guys over there…

i’ve sold cars to Mr. Blesser, although a very busy guy. still took time out and just talked to me for awhile when he came in for service, always really nice guy. A+ person

I just started looking for an engagement ring, shit is stresssssful

check out www.bluenile.com for some good ideas about ring styles and prices.

and adiamor.com, pretty much the same thing

im tellin

Bluenile.com bro. Build your own ring

Get that bitch a 16ct perfectly clear, perfect color man-made diamond for less than a used car:

blow the rest on blow and getting the blow to tahiti or whatever

Yea, adiamor is literally like the thing… lol

That looks like plastic :rofl

They’re real in every sense of the word, and amazing in person/real life.

Comes down to do you want a beautiful rock, or something artificially priced through the roof because it’s “hard to find”.

You give an unetched cvd diamond of the same weight to a jeweler, and te only way they’d know it’s not a real diamond is because it’s too perfect.

^ Truth

INTERESTING, ill have to see one in person

I was looking into them too. This is how alot of dumb assed rich star bitches get those huge colored rocks

That all being said, my girlfriend said she wants a blood diamond, the more lives cost by it the better.

I had to post this, here’s a guy that goes right out and asks, “Where can I find these cheap, conflict diamonds?”
