i am hooking up a KA its installed and we need help plugging everything in and getting it running i wanna do it on sunday will offer sandwiches and beer send me a pm if u can help or call 905-431-7981

Im in Whitby, Work in Oshawa. I will Txt you Sunday if I can come

most of the plugs are pretty self explanatory…have you given it a go yourself already?

my bbuddy did most of the wiring and just need a few more i cant figure it out i need an alt. on and starter connected and i few random plugs i cant figure out

those plugs are on the lower engine harness for the transmission

Get a FSM, game over lol. Or if your new to cars, go to a junkyard and find a 240, take pics of what plug goes where.

i have done most of the work to it and i just am to busy to finish it up for him he doesnt know much about it but we dont have any junkyards around in the area with any 240s

so is there anyone out there who can come help for sandwiches and bee and if its just one guy and does it all some cash?

If I was in your neck of the woods, I would come help you.

well its now early sunday i guess it up to me

i officially cant do this myself or with my friends if anyone has any info that can help or a day they can help let me know please

do u have both wiring harnesses? which plugs specifically are u missing?

its running if i need more help ill post thanks