i need to get info off a laptop HD

the computer died, and i want my pics and suck off of the HD. how can i go about doing this?

Probably the easiest way is to pull the hard drive and then get an external case for the HD. You can then run a USB to the case and plug it in like a thumb drive.

anyone have a cable/case? i dont wanna spend alot of cash its not mine its for the gf’s sister. i can use my desktop too if someone has a cable. i have a external HD for her files

chcek ebay if nobody has one…

Buy a case or they sell usb adapters for like 10 bucks. It’s just a cable with a power adapter and you connect to usb and transfer. I don’t have one or I’d loan it to you.

what are they called

search for “hard drive enclosure” it should come up


WOW that’s versatile.

Is your laptop sata or eide on the drive? I’ll get you a link for something cheaper than the above. I should buy that above item tho…hrmm.

its a eide drive, so whats cheap for me to get lol

wat? lol

I got a setup that turns a laptop HDD into a usb drive so you can remove data onto another computer. Think I paid $15, will sell for $10 in amherst.


Like this one. If this is what Jabbu is selling you should snag his for 10.

Will it do eide? If so can we meet up tomorrow. My number is 4648110