I need to know what bumper this is

this one!

Well, to me, it looks like a custom bumper… Since that’s an S13 front end on an S15.
So my guess is custom.

its the front of a ferarri

woh damn that looks good. o.o (the car as a whole I mean)

I need that bumper :expressionless:

s15.3 ftmfw!

i just found it, so YOU ALLLLLLLL BETTER have this bumper
devin. and the other guy
TEL # 058-274-8806

andddd here is your magical link

click on car parts.

Masa makes all those conversion like s13.4 s13.5 s14.5 s15.3 i guess now too.

I posted a thread with this picture like a year or two ago. Got lots of good responses :slight_smile:

this is like so frickin old news… like 4 years or some shit? But its cool