I out hunted the Speed Hunters!

May 5th, 2009:

Broken Stop Watch « Speed Hero

Nov 20th, 2009:



lol nice… so uuh… grab them skylines

Haha, I just saw that on there the other day! Nice find for sure, who doesn’t love those cars?

where is that, crazyness

haha. I called that!

The newer ones are soo much nicer but damn man… I dunno how that person managed not to take them…


Thats pretty unbelievable in a sense. But friggin bad ass!

Sick. haha.

You frequent out there in Japan?

Dope blog too.

I want. Totally still worth restoring.

Speed Hero is the shit.

so crazy
this is how I see avery’s house when he is older
except with s13’s

man i’d die to take one of those home and try to start putting it back together! awesome fine

new wall paper!

Man, So sick, I want those in my driveway lol.
And that Fairlady, and even those Work wheels :slight_smile: Wouldn’t mind the steering wheels lol.