I pity the next generation.

Highschool Streetracing Club




Idiots. I wonder what posesses these kids to drive through a car wash bay 16 times. Really cool.


x2 :rofl:

Maybe the tires will spin if they’re wet and soapy? :smiley:

tryna catch me wet and soapyyy… tryna catch me wet and soapyyy



WTF???:confused: :confused:

still not as bad as Midnight Racing Club out of Sewickley. Dont think theres still any members on PS, but there were. Biggest douches I’ve ever met, besides maybe Cutty.

…takes one to watch the whole thing through and count…

Haha, i exaggerated. I watched the first minute of it and turned it off.

kewlest kars i eva saw

yinz guyz dunno wat u talkin bout

Do they really think anyone is going to pay them $30 for a copy of that?

pimp shit

More like up till 11pm racing

Joey went Emo, purple camaro rob went to a non turbo a4
and TJ he went to cali :kekegay:

reminds me of some kids from bridgeville

and what kids might those be from bridgeville?..

That was total chit!! I didn’t even finish. I’m not predjudice to any vehicle videos but at least make it interesting. I feel cheated out of the 30 seconds of my life

im still waiting for info on bridgeville kids 04mustang232…:itr41:

dont forget robs audi is a auto. i remember back in high school he was trying to sell me his barney for 5500.