I’m through with this piece of shit A4. It’s been nothing but a fucking headache since the day I picked it up. Long story short, I get it drivable again (new ICM), went out this morning to start it up to warm up, and it spit about 3 (or more) quarts of oil out on the driveway. It’s too cold out to check it out. Not sure where it’s coming from, nor do I really care at this point. I just want to get rid of the thing.

isn’t the turbo beat? could just be pouring out of it. ?

sucks man… i saw an A4 on fire on the way to work today on 279N… at least one person is looking :slight_smile:

damn dude that sucks! It is miserably cold out too, so you can’t even diagnose it :frowning:

Sucks man, you’ve had shitluck with each of your replacement cars…hope you get it figured out.


The turbo is beat. But when I did pop the hood and snoop around for the 30 seconds that I did (before it got too cold), I could see that it looked like it was coming down the side of the block right by the oil filter. It could be something as small as the gasket on the oil filter crapping out or as bad as a hole in the block. We will find out later. Wish it was mine on fire. :frowning:

Full coverage?:wink: That sucks man. I hope it turns out to be something cheap, though that never seems to be the case.

i understand its prob ur only car right now, but why are u still driving it if the turbo is beat ?

that does suck, time to look for something else.

It’s seized. I just found out in November, had been driving it that way since August. It is the only car (the damn BMW runs better than the Audi but it’s not inspected). I’m wondering what this car could go for even with the problems it has.

Cheap and this car never go in the same sentence.

Yep. Nothing but trouble since day 1.


That sucks Zach … Def. time to start looking again!


Not a chance. Either going old foreign (Old BMW… mine isn’t hard to work on and parts are not bad, just need to sell mine so I can pick up the one I have my eyes on), or I’m going back to domestic. I’m too broke to play this game anymore.

I’ll give you $800 for the car as it sits…

Lexuses (Lexii?) are very good at not breaking.

those are nice cars but from what I understand if you do not Do the required maintence on those vehicles like within the exact mileage it is needed they break, and they break alot lol…I guess your just a living example… that car breaks more than my swapped celica and that car was far from stock!

My dad had a pile of Benzes, two shitty BMWs, and a Lexus.

He loved the Lexus like it was blowing him hourly.

well that is because it is a toyota product.


it’s not the make that is the problem… it was neglect. the car itself could be worked out… it’s just going to cost a couple grand… which is probably how much the original or past owners saved by not doing any of the maintenance.