I race all the custom hondas and smoke them


If I was at my computer id add him and tell him I special order all my parts through the DMV…

3:28pm Yo, my mom wants to know if this street race is safe? your a good driver right?.3:28pm yeah.
3:28pm what licenses do u have?
I only have fast ones…
3:29pm i have my cdl.
3:29pm I only have ny license to kill… thats about it.
thats from a song! ROFL.
3:29pm k
3:30pm Wait… your not the guy with the red Prelude and the CF hood… are you???.3:30pm yes i am.
3:31pm Dude your famous…
3:31pm yeah.
3:31pm how did you get to be so cool?.
3:32pm by street racing.
3:32pm really?.
3:33pm yeah.
3:33pm I am famous too… my movie is coming out today…
3:34pm k.
3:34pm you going to see it? Its JackAss 3D
I was an extra in it. I helped hold Steve -o’s balls while we tattoo’d his ankle…
3:35pm k.
3:35pm Nice ill save you a seat. you bringin any girls?.
3:36pm so u scared arnt u.
3:36pm About the movie? nahh it will be fun…
3:36pm yeah.
3:37pm Why would I be scared of the movie?.
3:37pm no im tlking about the race.
3:37pm ohh I thought we were talking about JackAss 3d.
3:38pm no
so dont be scared u racing a honda.
3:41pm I aint scared of anything I was in the Vietnam war.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think even my M could walk this kid.

dont think so, its a 7.5 sec, 750hp, twin turbo K03S, 275mph honda… which is famous.

I think my rsx with the bastardized A3 motor could walk him something tells me your M would put busses on it.

k so im not scared im a dirty driver thow
u be at the starting line and ill be mid way.
3:44pm thats some sneaky shit… you better not have any guns or kneegrows following you.
I have friend that wants to run you after I loose… he has a 2jz AWD Civic hatch, with an extra spark plug for each cylinder. .
3:46pm k i got people but if u want to race u got to dael with a street racer shit
well i dont think they want to cause i do the same to hime.
3:47pm He said he would race you for 229980… so whenyou loose you still have 20$ in yoru pocket for a taxi ride home!.
3:51pm Joseph is offline…
3:51pm Joseph is online…
3:52pm BRB… I have to go FAP. Be back in 3 minutes…
3:53pm k i have freinds he got nothing i use my friends 2010 lancer he got 30000 in the motor ill smoke him.
3:53pm OK hang on… we will lock this in too… I am fapping right now… just a moment.3:54pm so me a pic of ur car.
3:54pm ok just a sec
shits hot!.
3:56p mk
send me a pic of ur car not mine.
3:58pm Joseph is offline…
3:59pm Joseph is online…
3:59pm ohhh my mistake I missunder stood you…
3:59pm k send a pic of u car.
4:00pm This is a shot from it in the garage… I just got back from rotating the tires today…
4:01pm thts not urs.
4:01pm well not exaclty mine… but its a mustang. hang on ill fine mine…
4:02pm k.
4:03pm http://www.dragracingonline.com/pmachine/images/uploads/75_Thompson.jpg
thats from the last weekend from LVD… ran a 8.4.
4:04pm haha.
4:04pm dont LOL at my 8.5… it was heatsoaked.
4:05pm k really i want to see ur real car.
4:05pm Dude that is, look close thats my name on the driver side glass
is this your car??? http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs377.ash2/65590_131044426945806_100001207481897_182648_7310379_n.jpg.
4:08pm Joseph is offline…
4:09pm Joseph is online…
4:09pm yeah.
4:09pm you live in NY right?.
4:09pm yaeh
i would smoke u in tht one to.
4:10pm really? how the hell did you get a Pineapple tree to grow in this climate?.
4:11pm i didnt i took the pic from were i bought it.
4:12pm where did you buy it? Canada?.
4:12pm no flordia.
4:12pm Ohh that makes sense now.
Do you have any sisters?.
4:13pm yeah.
4:13pm are they single?.
4:13pm no.4
:13pm bummer… are they into swinging?

Don’t forget its got Lamborghini Honda parts from Germany!!!

friend request sent

you fuckers realize that if you do meet up with this kid, SOMeONE on here MUST get ahold of me right? Mr. I8URVTEC himself.

4:13pm yeah
so dude i want to race but my girl said i cant .
4:16pm What??? whos your girl??.
4:17pm dont worry.
4:17pm k
You are scared arnt you?.
4:18pm no i just dont want to fight with my girl.
4:18pm your scared just say it…
4:19pm im not ill bring my girl with me and me and my girl will smoke u .
4:19pm if you were a real man you would telle her to shut the fuck up and get you a sandwich… I am going street racing.
wait so now she is going too?.
4:19pm ill bring her with me .
4:20pm ohh ok then. any pics of your girl?.
4:21pm yeah but u ant getting a pic cause i said ill meet u at stewerts at 230 am.
4:21pm That doesnt make any sense what you just said. I just want to see what she looks like so I dont try to hit on her infront of you.

and he went offline. HHAHAHHAHAHAH so much win in here. Someone please show up at “the” stewarts at 2:30am please!!!

2:30am I already locked it in for you! go for it :lol

wait hes back!

4:28pm k i i would kill u if u hit on her i carry a gun in my car.
4:28pm Ohh really.


you honestly think this tard will show up?


RECAP: :lol


2:15pm who is this.
2:15pm just a fellow import racer.
2:15pm k .
2:15pm so you wana run?.
2:15pm yeah.
2:15pm word…
2:15pm yeah.
2:15pm what u runnin?.
2:15pm sportman.
2:16pm huh I am talkin street racing not dirt…
2:16pm k i run a honda2:16pm nice me too… what motor u got? any turbz?
I run a 2JZ
You there??? time is money man… We gunna lock it in or what???.2:36pmi have a twin turbo
why u want to race.
2:38pmNice… what size turbo?
I would like to race but its still raining out…
2:38pmi dkn the biggest one.
2:38pmsick! must be a K03S… they are nuts
how much power like 500hp?.
2:39pmi,m running 750 hp.
2:39pmSHIT! must be a t3/t3 then
2:40pmyeah so u want to race still.
2:40pmI dont know… I only have a NA built mustang cobra. do you think I have a chance?.
2:40pmwhat do you mean?
Is it really thast fast?.
2:42pmi think u wouldnt have a chance cause my car is a 7.5 sec car.
2:43pmWOW thats fast… you have a chute on that beast?.
2:44pmnoew u still want to race.
2:44pmYeah i still might… I just put a bigger NOS shot on mine. last time I was on the track I ran a 11.5.
2:45pmwell it to slow.
2:45pmhow it too slow??? it was only 4 seconds slower b4 than yours now I have more NOZ.
it will be a good close race
2:48pm k
i aalos got a mustang cobra
i race u with my 2010 mustange cobra.
2:48pm did you get the 7 speed option in that 2010 cobra??? I wish mine had it.
2:48pm yeah .
2:49pm Nooo shit
Dude I dont know, you sound like you have way faster cars than I do… .
2:49pm so would u rather race tht.
2:49pm No I still think I can take that honda… .
2:50pm u defantliy cant.
2:50pm If you build it they will come, didnt your parents teach you that?
I will run you tomorrow night, 3AM.
2:51pm k.
2:52pm So where do you want to run??? AFCO raceway?.
2:52pm no i race u right down the north way from ext 13 to 18.
2:53pm how many miles is that between 13-18??? I only top out at 210mph… .
2:54pm i top out 240.
2:54pm you must have a big wing on that thing then!.
2:54pm yeah.
2:54pm how big?.
2:55pm 950 sq ft.
2:55pm DAMN thats bigger than my house!.
2:55pm jk it only 250 sq ft
so u think u can bet me.
2:57pm I really dont know! I only have a BOOMX wing on mine.
2:57pm haha.
2:57pm Well what are we racing for then?.
2:58pm 700 cash.
2:58pm 600.
2:58pm 650.
2:59pm 800… but thats as low as ill go, your faster than me.
2:59pm 850.
2:59pm fine deal.
2:59pm well k.
3:00pm nice its locked in then
will Monica come too?.
3:01pm monica who.
3:02pm monica who.
3:02pm you know who she is… doesnt matter… Kal to the finish line! LETS RACE
What wheels do you have on that honda?.
3:02pm k ur going to lose .
3:02pm NO fuggin way
i have somethign up my sleve.
3:03pm k i but a bigger tank of nos in my car to.
3:04pm how may gallons?.
3:04pm 20 gallons.
3:04pm then enough to blow up the honda factory in Germany!!! DAYUM.
3:05pm yeah.3:05pmwhere do you get all these crasy parts! I never heard of them befor?.
3:06pm out of germany.
3:06pm From the Lambo plant???.
3:07pm yeah.
3:08pm I wish I could afford Lambo Honda parts for my Mustang Cobra.
3:08pm well i can so u still want to race my car will max out at 275.
3:09pm how did tyou just gain 35MPH in the last 10 minutes???.
3:09pm with the nos.
3:09pm you just put it on while we were locking this in ???.
3:10pm k so u going to lose ur 850 so
u scared.
3:11pm no, my grandparents own an RV dealership so I have alot of money to blow…
3:12pm k well i got more money to blow then u i got 230000 in my pocket right now.
3:12pm BULLSHIT… take a pic of it and post it on your wall.
3:28pm Yo, my mom wants to know if this street race is safe? your a good driver right?.3:28pm yeah.
3:28pm what licenses do u have?
I only have fast ones…
3:29pm i have my cdl.
3:29pm I only have ny license to kill… thats about it.
thats from a song! ROFL.
3:29pm k
3:30pm Wait… your not the guy with the red Prelude and the CF hood… are you???.3:30pm yes i am.
3:31pm Dude your famous…
3:31pm yeah.
3:31pm how did you get to be so cool?.
3:32pm by street racing.
3:32pm really?.
3:33pm yeah.
3:33pm I am famous too… my movie is coming out today…
3:34pm k.
3:34pm you going to see it? Its JackAss 3D
I was an extra in it. I helped hold Steve -o’s balls while we tattoo’d his ankle…
3:35pm k.
3:35pm Nice ill save you a seat. you bringin any girls?.
3:36pm so u scared arnt u.
3:36pm About the movie? nahh it will be fun…
3:36pm yeah.
3:37pm Why would I be scared of the movie?.
3:37pm no im tlking about the race.
3:37pm ohh I thought we were talking about JackAss 3d.
3:38pm no
so dont be scared u racing a honda.
3:41pm I aint scared of anything I was in the Vietnam war.
3:41pm k so im not scared im a dirty driver thow
u be at the starting line and ill be mid way.
3:44pm thats some sneaky shit… you better not have any guns or kneegrows following you.
I have friend that wants to run you after I loose… he has a 2jz AWD Civic hatch, with an extra spark plug for each cylinder. .
3:46pm k i got people but if u want to race u got to dael with a street racer shit
well i dont think they want to cause i do the same to hime.
3:47pm He said he would race you for 229980… so whenyou loose you still have 20$ in yoru pocket for a taxi ride home!.
3:51pm Joseph is offline…
3:51pm Joseph is online…
3:52pm BRB… I have to go FAP. Be back in 3 minutes…
3:53pm k i have freinds he got nothing i use my friends 2010 lancer he got 30000 in the motor ill smoke him.
3:53pm OK hang on… we will lock this in too… I am fapping right now… just a moment.3:54pm so me a pic of ur car.
3:54pm ok just a sec
shits hot!.
3:56p mk
send me a pic of ur car not mine.
3:58pm Joseph is offline…
3:59pm Joseph is online…
3:59pm ohhh my mistake I missunder stood you…
3:59pm k send a pic of u car.
4:00pm This is a shot from it in the garage… I just got back from rotating the tires today…
4:01pm thts not urs.
4:01pm well not exaclty mine… but its a mustang. hang on ill fine mine…
4:02pm k.
4:03pm http://www.dragracingonline.com/pmac...5_Thompson.jpg
thats from the last weekend from LVD… ran a 8.4.
4:04pm haha.
4:04pm dont LOL at my 8.5… it was heatsoaked.
4:05pm k really i want to see ur real car.
4:05pm Dude that is, look close thats my name on the driver side glass
is this your car??? http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-…_7310379_n.jpg.
4:08pm Joseph is offline…
4:09pm Joseph is online…
4:09pm yeah.
4:09pm you live in NY right?.
4:09pm yaeh
i would smoke u in tht one to.
4:10pm really? how the hell did you get a Pineapple tree to grow in this climate?.
4:11pm i didnt i took the pic from were i bought it.
4:12pm where did you buy it? Canada?.
4:12pm no flordia.
4:12pm Ohh that makes sense now.
Do you have any sisters?.
4:13pm yeah.
4:13pm are they single?.
4:13pm no.
4:13pm bummer… are they into swinging?
4:13pm yeah
so dude i want to race but my girl said i cant .
4:16pm What??? whos your girl??.
4:17pm dont worry.
4:17pm k
You are scared arnt you?.
4:18pm no i just dont want to fight with my girl.
4:18pm your scared just say it…
4:19pm im not ill bring my girl with me and me and my girl will smoke u .
4:19pm if you were a real man you would telle her to shut the fuck up and get you a sandwich… I am going street racing.
wait so now she is going too?.
4:19pm ill bring her with me .
4:20pm ohh ok then. any pics of your girl?.
4:21pm yeah but u ant getting a pic cause i said ill meet u at stewerts at 230 am.
4:21pm That doesnt make any sense what you just said. I just want to see what she looks like so I dont try to hit on her infront of you.
4:28pm k i i would kill u if u hit on her i carry a gun in my car.
4:28pm Ohh really.
4:28pm yeah.
4:29pm Well I supose your GF isnt the greatest looker, so I doubt I would hit on her anyways… so we shoulld be ok…
4:30pm k bull shit she is 18 5’5 blonde hair blue eyes .
4:30pm Ohh that really narrows it right down. You dating Lindsay Lohan?.
4:30pm no.
4:30pm who then?.
4:31pm ashely .
4:31pm ohh Ashley Moynihan??? I know her.
4:32pm no.
4:32pm ohh whats her lastname? I know alot of ashleys around you…
4:32pm dont worry.
4:33pm I dont worry, I just wanted to know incase I might know her… just looking out for you man…
4:33pm why.
4:34pm Just to make sure shes not a crazy person who might turn us in for street racing at 200+mph on the northway
Dude is it tru that Ashleys usually have big bushes?.
4:36pm some of them mine dont.
4:36pm nice shaven beeve is the best isnt it?.
4:36pm yeah.
4:38pm My gf wont shave her beeve… its such a pain… how did you get yours to do it?.4:39pm easy i told her to or i was leaving her.
4:41pm nice dude thats what I told her to make her give me a rim job.

Which Stewarts? I’ll be there.

Why haven’t you hit on granny yet? She looks super hot with that cig in her mouth.

I didnt know pizza places made engines

I THINK EVERY CAR ENTHUSIAST has watched that movie. Does this kid even HAVE a CAR?

Im in fucking tears. But by far best comment in this whole thread by far is the " my grandparents own an RV dealership". The "sweet palm trees what exit is that had me fucking dying. I have a corrections officer exam at 9 am and if this kid comes out i will come out at 3am for this one. Please someone contact me.