I said heat my sandwich up now!


UNIONTOWN, Pennsylvania (AP) – A man threw a microwave at his girlfriend, then fatally beat her after she refused to heat up sandwiches, police said…
After returning home and checking McCann for a pulse – and finding none – he went downstairs and drank a beer before going to another neighbor’s home and asking them to call 911, police said.

Seriously… WTF is wrong with people?

well she didnt make dinner what do u want from him


“Went down stairs and drank a beer before calling 911 again”

This guy is awesome and 58 too…sweet!

Why don’t husbands teach their wives how to ski?

cause theres no snow in the kitchen.

Wow that guy is fucking loon.


whoa no way man really now

I’m going to hell for laughing at that. :lol:

Yes as a matter of fact

I guess that’s what you do when you’ve already told the bitch twice…


Im spending the weekend in Pittsburgh, that was on the local news. Nobody believes me that western pennsylvania might as well be considered the deep south. Whole lotta white trash up in this place.

see yah there

so wait,
he got up off the couch
walked to the microwave
picked it up
and threw it at her
wouldnt it have been easier to just put the sadwich in the microwave, I mean he was obviously already standing by it

oh and let me take a guess as to what kind of beer he was drinking… I’m thinking the Beast… no wait… PBR

pbr is champagne compared to that IC swill they drink out here.

how do you turn a dishwasher into a snowblower?..

hand that bitch a shovel!!!