SHUT UP ASSHOLE, dont single me out. cuz you know me.

fastmofo for, mod?


That’s basically what I said, so agreed

Yeah, it’s no surprise that you don’t see the bigger picture. But you’re right, I would have left. Left and said this is stewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpid. I hate groups of people anyway. They make horrible decisions.

Bha, this is useless. I could ramble on, but I guess the forum reeeeally likes this kind of stuff. :shrug:

Nobody fucking cares about the car.

No body is crying over the car.

Nobody said anything, about that fine Lumina Euro Edition’s windsheild getting caved in.

It was the fact that it was done, at a hangout in which we have purposely portrayed good behaivor, so we aren’t kicked out…like previous hangouts.

It doesn’t matter that nobody saw it, and the cops didn’t do something. But what IF they did? No more mighty, or atleast being able to go there and not be harrassed.

It is also about the next time something like this happens. And how I’m sure people won’t think before they act, and do something 10x’s more rediculous.

What also gets me perterbed, is that it was a noob. It wasn’t someone who didn’t have anything to prove. And it wasn’t someone who has been going there for years, and stayed on their best behaivor. He did it, so we would accept him, and think he was cool/leet/awesome. However in my opinion, it backfired.

So next time at Mighty, lets think before we act. So there can be a next time at Mighty.

who cares. it was a junk car with some kid making an ass out of himself for looking like a retarded monkey jumping on it.



Are you forreeeeeeall? This isn’t a car forum anymore! Car forums don’t destroy LUMINA EURO EDITIONS.

Lol at corey, and to becks last statement, thats the only one with a real point here.

Keep mighty open, i dont even live in buffalo and i still want to go to one

ahahah good stuff


Its not some weekly occurrence,i highly doubt that therer will be another car there next week to assbash.


Beck hit the nail on the head… (my God, I’m agreeing with Beck, I’ve had more to drink than I thought tonight :stuck_out_tongue: ) its not the fact that the car got fucked up, its not that fact that someone felt cool jumping on the car, caving in the windshield and trying to shatter the rear window. Its the fact that behavior like this will be associated with this forum. We want to try to keep as many locations as possible for people to meet up and hang out, and doing this kind of shit will result in those location disappearing when the cops start to patrol more regularlly and break up any type of gathering.

LOL, that is exactly what everybody else did… Good man

In all honesty as much as I want to bitch about this happening. I would have been right there egging him on.

Honestly I thought it would have been more fun to hotwire the car, and leave it at the bottom of a ski-slope Pulsar styles. :tup:

Is Nyspeed a fraternity or smthn?? Idk anything bout the guy who did it… but if it was me doing it – I would have because hey, who wouldn’t wanna kick the crap out of a shitty car that was off to the JY? Seems fun to me! I don’t think the kid gave a fuck if people were gonna accept him after that…

i must have watched that damn video 20 times…and i still think its funny as hell. i wish there was a way to save it to my computer.

beck you wanted a trick didnt you???

there is no problem with the police because there were no police around or no police called. if it was a drunk guy coming out of yings would you be complaining?

if you enjoyed it good if you didnt then oh well, dont think they did it to be “cool” or to “fit in” or “be accepted” they did it because it was fun and they could.

FYI: the car was there because the kid blew the motor. Heard that through the grape vine. He was gonna have it junked and it was already off the road :gotme:

right click, Save Target As doesn’t work?