I spy autocross course? MS Local.live.com

no autocross, goodyear tire course.

the lot is DEF not big enough… not to mention that there is a PATCH of Cobblestone in between the 2 lots… im with spot and joe… dont go ruining the one place where the guys where bikes are finally “ALLOWED” to stunt… lord knows it will be taken away in a matter of time anyway…


Nobody is going to ruin anything… he just made a thread about something he observed


i wish people would sometime ignore what they observed.


LOL you guys are retarded. If you have the lot owners permission, what are you worried about?

Noones talking about taking thier cars there, and I knew it wasnt an autocross course because of the design, I just thought it was interesting.

well if some motorcycle guy talked about goin to your spot and tearin it up and possibly ruining it. wouldn’t you get defensive.

Well… if you are talking about our “autocross” spots… we have permission, insurance, and its legal. You guys gave up your own spot, and you said you have permission anyway, so who cares.

gave up our own spot?

this thread confuses me…

btw… lets say i own a lot… i say you “10 stunters” can use the lot… but then some noobs get in there with loud bikes and start doing power wheelies and making lots of noise, destroy the lot by doing burnouts and make locals upset by the disturbance and now i hear about the people getting mad and as a result my business suffers… i am going to tell them no more trespassing or i will have u arrested…

same concept… lets say cars start going there to “practice” or compete… the disturbance could ruin the only place that the “stunters” havent been kicked out of yet…

if you can find another “equal” place thats still close to home… then by all means let the stunters know and im sure they would be gratefull…

auto-x could be the straw that broke the camels back… it may be all it would take…

anybody have any PRIVATE secluded lots that have decent pavement that the stunters could use post it up… lets turn this thread around…


LOL Seriously, you guys need to READ.

Auto-x isnt something that just springs up out of nowhere, alot of planning is involved and no one that i know of drives around with cones ready to set up a practice course, there is nothing to worry about, seriously. But not to get off topic how coo would a downtown auto-x course be? It would attract alot of people to the sport.

There is not enough room there to autocross.

Noone was talking about autocrossing in this lot.

Obviously reading comprehension is a lacking skill in the “stunt-biking” community.

My bad, coldaccord mentioned it, and you guys confirmed it. (not that anyone cared, or that it even had anything to do with this thread)

who cares about this RC course anyways :gotme:

i dont think the issue here is lack of reading comprehension in the stunt biking community, the issue is basically that is our stunt spot and we have enough issues there already and we dont need anymore, ie. people trying to fuck around down there in their cars. can we dead this already?



im done with this thread…

[QUOTE=Willybeen]if you can find another “equal” place thats still close to home… then by all means let the stunters know and im sure they would be gratefull…anybody have any PRIVATE secluded lots that have decent pavement that the stunters could use post it up… lets turn this thread around…/QUOTE] +1
it’s just the issue of my sport being illegal as hell, it’s sketchy enough goin down to the cobblestone. who knows you could get gung ho buffalo cop ready to lock up everyone. guys that i know i dont think would mind to flip a couple of bucks to the land owner to ride. just as long as we won’t get arrested.

Man I think you guys could come up with a better name than “stunters”

Something more like organ doners? j/k