I suck

Had 4 passes last night… i dont know what the hell is wrong with me.

Pass #1 - Car stuck pretty good, but then bogged out. I got pissed off and put it in 2nd gear and crusied down the track. Figured no need to risk blowing up or wrecking. Wasted run.

Pass #2- Awesome launch… came out of the hole prety hard. 1.69 sixty foot time. But then i missed 2nd gear. CRUNCH. I kept in it. And still ran an 11.40 @ 128.88 mph.

Not too bad for missing 2nd gear i guess.

Pass #3 - shouldnt even count, i got up to the right lane staging light solo. Because they were working on the left lane. I guess i must have triggered the deep stage lights, i realize this and then i roll forward to the regular stage lights, but i must have sat there a second too long because it gave me a red light. Wasted run.

Pass #4 - Launched way too high, blew the tires off… car got out of control. I did the mature thing and backed out of it before i ate the guard rail. Wasted run.

I guess im just having a hard time judging how to launch the car with the new found power. :dunno: Man, was i pissed off last night.

practice makes perfect

If it’s still in one peice then its not a total waste. Practice makes perfect



sorry. youll get it. couldve been worse.

there is always another day

You’ll get the hang, don’t get too frustrated!

at least round 2 is right around the corner… you can practice against the vw up by the loading road @ dicks if you want :kekegay:

No, no, no… i was talking about practicing racing my 240sx. Not my Camry.


we are goin again tuesday cause I want 12.4’s

I will be there.

ill come with the camera nx time

bummer…but practice makes perfect

Im sure you will get 11 flat soon… Keep it up

he already has an 11.0

I already ran an 11.013 @ 129.90

Just added another 40 rwhp.

I will be there tues on my new tune, hopefully my car will still run by then! i gotta take it 1 day at a time,