I think I found my new daily.

They handle like elephants on skateboards, and telling them which direction to go is about as involved of a process. To its benefit at least it doesn’t have that electronic braking crap that Lexus seems to have copied from Mercedes.

To sum it up, unless you want to be called “Snoop’s entourage member #6” the 300 is a fairly average car.

I tend to agree with this. But, damn you can beat the pimpness of that 300C. I hate to keep using the same term but I don’t know how else to classify it.

I would be all over a G35 coupe if i were you Howie. But its your call get what you love :slight_smile:

i wa sjust gonna say the same as i was typing it i saw fox’s post…

Ok, all I’ll say is this, as hard as it is.



Yeah. $42,000.

No thanks.

Spend your money elsewhere Howie. Like someone else said. Buy a STi, EVO, whatever, but not that.

I go test drive one today :slight_smile:

I’ll let you guys know

Well also becareful of miliage then if you will be doing alot of road trips. If you go over miliage on a lease, you will get raped.

I would be all over a G35 coupe if i were you Howie. But its your call get what you love

Drove one of these all summer, as ma dukes has a 6-speed and since the z is currently in the garage at home i had no car to drive. As far as a good mix between sport and luxury i couldnt be happier. Maybe ill buy it when mom wants to sell it.




lol @ the boy racers chanting evo…

evo has no creature comfort, is loud, annoying, and looks like it belongs in a cartoon

i like the 300c but why not get an infiniti or lexus

2001 VR6 Jetta! Totally :pimp:

have you thought about a CTS-V? with the GM employee discount they’re probably right around the same price right now

Gm discount doesn’t equal $20,000 off. :wink:

the cts-v is still going to be thousands more.

Fucking guy is all like “Oh, there’s a premium.”

Blah blah blah

“It’s limited.”

No shit you fucking dickhole. When I asked him what the differences in the engines were he said “One’s a 5.7L the other is a 6 Liter”

I go “uh, isn’t it a 6.1?”

“Oh, that .1 liter doesn’t make much difference”

I’m like “anything else different?”

“No, they just made the engine bigger, more power comes from bigger engines.”

Fucking. Retard.

“Oh, so it doesn’t have any lightweight valves or anything, it doesn’t rev higher?”

They want $50K, even with 25 down.

They can go to hell.

But did they let you drive it?

No they don’t have any in stock

I drove the 5.7

that thing hauls

they want 50k with 25 down???

what is 25 worth?

25 bucks?

25 hundred???

or 25 thousand???

25 million!?!?!?!?

lol… i caught a couple 5.7s on zee highway and they pull good… not away from me… but not with me either…

from a dig i was surprised how good the traction was… i’d pull maybe 1/2 a car - 3/4

You havent driven the SRT-8 then…maybe the regular 300C