I dont know you, but I doubt that you would be happy paying $111,000 in taxes. 30% is 30% no matter how you cut, or how much you make.
With that said, I would say spend the $50.00 for turbo-tax, and work it out yourself, if at that time you don’t feel you can do it. Right the price of turbo-tax off as tax prep. this would be a full right off.
dont you have someone on base that will do it for you for free? I know we have someone that does that crap. And even if you did have a '07 z06 in your garage thats the only place it would ever be becuz you wouldnt fit in it
I have no idea how to do my taxes. Luckily for me my grandparents are retired accountants. I just send out the W2 and they send me lots of papers with little red Xs and preaddressed envelopes back. Including notes of how much to put in every envelope.
wow i officially think u suck more spangler then brian at spelling… slow it down a lil and try to get letters where they are suppose to be…
owning your own buss. is alot more difficult then just gettin paid… id go to another accountant and ask them… the guy that usually did mine had a horrible fall two years ago so im screwed… he is still in the hospital. so i cant even ask him
when you own your own business dont you have to pay taxes like twice, so to speak. I remember learning in a highschool accounting class that business’s have to pay just as much taxes as you do on top of what you pay. And if you own your own business you have to pick up the tab for both of those since you are the employee and the owner at the same time???
speaking as someone who has had their own bussines, I dont recall paying the same tax twice. I thought under US law it was illegal to double tax the same money…
We run our own business but we have accountants. They find more loopholes etc than we would EVER find. My advice would be to get a second opinion from a different accountant. Do you have employees? Are you paying your taxes quarterly or yearly? Having someone who understands the law and what you can and cannot claim as write offs is well worth it. Our accountant is VERY good. I don’t know if they are taking new clients right now but I’ll pm you the info.
For myself . . .Rental income, upkeep, improvements, depriciation, child support and income…I paid a pro the first time a few years back, now I do my own with some help from turbo tax and J.K. Lasser’s
the account was taking what i make from the govt which allready has taxes taken out adding it to her income…and then takeing the gross and figureing out what she would have to pay for the quater…
one mine is allready taxed…
my income has nothing to do with her business tax and what she would owe…
married filing seperatily
and the acount was putting her in a tax bracket of %30 which if you look it up we would have to make a combined of 330,000
now we do pretty damn good for ourselves but not that…
we figured it out and would of over paid almost 900…
we are going to another accountant and double checking our numbers…
that’s what happens with a corporation and paying out dividends. the income is taxed when the corporation reports their net income, and then the dividends are taxed when the person who receives the dividends files their taxes.