Fuck TurboTax

it lies.

there’s no way that after buying a house, a car, paying education expenses totaling almost 10 grand and other various things that the federal government only owes me $391.

fuck you, turbotax.

anyone know a good accountant?

maybe you suck??

Did you pay for the car with a home equity loan?

What are you having withheld from your pay? I doubt Turbotax is the one with the problem.

I’m pumped! Feds owe me close to $800 bucks. Wooo!

a litt;e more details might help. like how many depends how many you claimed on your taxes kids

and why do you think a car is a tax right off ?

shoulda got NOSTax

you have to have at least 10,300 paid into this year to do long form. that is where you get the bigger tax refunds. when you buy a house they lie to you when they say you can claim the interest, well not really lie, but stretch the truth. yes you can claim, but you have to do it long form. so in other words, if you dont have enough in, you cant claim it. it sucks i thought last year i could but we fell short on the 10,300 plateau. but def. this year we will have enough to do it. woohoo!!

damn still waiting for my w2 to even come

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There could be a couple of problems here:

a) You aren’t having any/enough withheld

b) You didn’t input everything into turbo tax correctly. I assume with those changes in your financial situation that you would be taking itemized deductions as opposed to the standard deduction? Also, when I bought my house, I initally forgot to include the taxes which I paid at closing for my portion of the local, school, property, and other applicable taxes. Initially, I had only taken my taxes that I had paid after I moved into my house. Did you remember to deduct your mortgage interest expense? If you just recently bought your house, you may not have paid enough mortgage interest in 2007 to make it worth your while to itemize your deductions. Did you have any other expenses during the year which you can write off such as work related? Which college credit did you take (there are two different ones in the tax codes which will deduct different amounts)

See there are a lot of other factors that go into your reimbursement. Unless you want to pay an accountant a ton of money to do your taxes (I believe tax services run at about 100 bucks an hour at most downtown CPA firms), turbotax is the best way. It will get you more money back than HR Block or one of those places. You just have to put in all your information, it can’t find your information for you.

If you have any specific questions let me know. I am an accountant but don’t do too much with taxes. Just send me a PM and I can try to help.

I never understood all the claims of “we’ll get you more back than so and so”. If you follow all the tax laws and the instructions, how can you get more back? Maybe I’m missing something when I do mine, or I don’t have anything financially complicated tax-wise.

Well some people can get you more than others. The amount that you get back from the government really depends on how well your tax preparer knows the tax code. Your tax preparer may know of some crazy new rule that lets you deduct something that another accountant may not be aware of. I would be willing to bet that the average person misses a few deductions here and there just because they aren’t aware of the tax code. That is why I don’t trust HR Block or any of those tax prep companies, becuase a lot of their employees are not actually accountants, they are just people that are trained on how to fill out tax forms and don’t really know what they are doing necessarily.

i definately claimed my interest last year and didnt pay anything near 10000+ im hopin to get back about 3g’s this year because of new windows (can claim the price of the windows because of better insulation)

Same here, new exterior windows and doors. This is the last year to claim those expenses, they won’t be available in 2008. Althought you aren’t getting back 3K just for the windows are you? I thought it was only 10% of the expense for the materials and installation up to a certain threshold. Let me know if I am wrong though.

na its because i claim 0 so i get a good bit taken out and i made a decent amount this year. if i bring back about 2 ill be happy but im hopin for more.

What about doors, siding, and installed insulation? Is that all a claim too?

I believe so. I know that anything that is supposed to increase the efficiency of your home would be deductible. Things like energy efficient appliances, solar panels, etc. should be deductible. I can look into it if you want to. Just let me know.

this is correct, i claimed 10% of my new doors I added on the house last year.

That sounds great, right now with siding, doors, windows, and insulation, I’m sitting at about ~$7800.00. I’ll gladly take that $780.00 back…