2009 Taxes Thread

Ok… So im at work cause I have to write an awards package, and im having a lil writers block… So being in finance, I pull up my pay record to see how much ill get back for a return. Pull everything that my W2 would show, and input it on TWO different calculators and they both say im going to get over 8k bucks back ???

Did I miss something? Ive NEVER got more than 2 before. Is there some kind of crazy stimulus that im not aware of?

Anyway, if its legit, im going to be so stoked, and scared.

If IM getting 8k back, what is everyone else getting, and if everyone else is getting crazy amounts back, how much is my dollar going to be worth soon?

How do you know what you’re getting back? I need all my interest, income ect statements, add in deductions… Not like I can just look up some #.

Mine is simple. The only things I have really to claim is the sales tax from my Jeep I bought, and charitable contributions. Ive rented since ive been in San Antonio, so theres nothing more to claim. I just went here:

and threw in my numbers. I can pull all of my year to date everything with my finance systems here at work.

There is another link on Tax Brain( I just googled another one to double check) and that one is far more indepth, yet leading me the same results.

lol according to that I get all of my taxes back but a few hundred o.O

but that didnt take in to account my 3 months of unemployment at the turn of the year… which… im more than sure will lower that refund o.O

oh man, I got 3k back last year. I hope i get atleast that (half of it was tuition credit) ill run that calc when I get home. stupid work doesnt have flash

I just did it through Taxslayer… And this is what I use every year, and its $8424.00

Ugh… Wow, is all I can say.

The government loves you.

Lower your deductions and shit.

Sadly I dont have to. I make plenty enough to be happy throughout the year. This is a pleasant surprise for the begining of the new year.

Looks like I’m getting the usual $1100 from Federal, $300 from State. Been the same for the past 3 years…

idk about me, ive only gotten back like 40$ the last 2 years, does anyone know how much money id owe if i profit about 10k on stocks?

edit: i just did the tax calculator, it was 1000% wrong

wait a min… after some looking around… i guess im just an idiot. i didnt take into account my reenlistment bonus which JUMPED me up for earned wages.

meh, a simple mistake, and now im happy about taking that much more money…

EDIT: just stfu right now kevin…

I’ve been on unemployment at least half this year without taxes removed. I’m going to get boned.

idk if I believe it, but I’ll be getting back 5700, which is about what I paid in taxes and tuition.

edit: I was going of pay stubs and used total taxes instead of federal taxes paid, anticipated refund is 3300. same as last year/what I expected

No, I’m pretty sure you aren’t getting boned.

Make sure you aren’t in AMT, that could come back to bone you.

I hope that’s right. It says I’ll get back about $3500.

Huh? I meant as in, I will either have to pay or I’ll get zero back…

How are you claiming interest paid on an automobile? Is it work related?

Probably getting $500 from Fed and $200 from State. Used to get like $3K from Fed, but I changed my witholdings.

I usually always owe, which is good because then I control my money, but this year I should be getting back a good amount.