Fuck TurboTax

I only took a quick glance but I think it’s capped at $500 total as its broken down into a bunch of different categories. Here’s at least one link that talks about the tax credits http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_tax_credits#chart

Im having a hell of a time with my taxes, and I dont know why. Ive done my own for the last say…7 years. This year is alittle different since I have two state taxes to file. I did turbo tax the first time, said I get a federal refund of $1700 and then I break even on PA…SC I came up with owing them $765 and Im not sure how. So I figured Id try H&R block (which I think is the one I usually use) and came up that I owe PA $727 and just stopped there. I have to be doing something wrong. I claim 0 so I get more back at the end of the year, but I guess thats just federal, not state. Seriously though, Ive GOT to be doing something wrong. Looks like I’ll be paying someone to do my taxes. ugh

i’m getting about 3 grand back. kids FTW :smiley:

I think PA’s income tax rate is just over 3% (3.07% or something like that iirc) with little to no deductable items (3% of whatever you made). So you unless you made like $24,000 in PA and had nothing witheld your second calculation is wrong.

I did our taxes last night. This was our first year filing joint. Made out okay with a federal refund of $1200 and nothing to the state. Dom seemed to think that we would get more back, possibly because we got married. I got a lot back last year but that was because of education credits. I see no point in paying someone to do our taxes when I can do them myself and still get a decent refund.

i agree…I do mine and my brothers every year. I hate school expenses…tuition and intrest…yuck its a pain!!

I use eztaxreturn.com if you go to www.irs.com click on thier frre sites…then find eztax, it will send you to thier link…it will charge you 19.95 to file state. but nothing if you make under 54k for fed.

I just did one of my coworkers taxes yesterday and found out he hasnt been paying any local tax, never even knew about it. lol yeah hes getting busted!!

oh…for all you young kids…dont think this doesnt apply to you, My lil brother got audited at 19 with back local taxes…

Filing a 1040 violates our 5th amendment rights, so you don’t have to do it.

But since the fed owes the majority of us money, we all have to go through this song and dance to get our rightful earnings back. God forbid we fill it out wrong and they freeze our accounts, but this is America, that won’t happen.

your only getting paid what you over paid that year anyways…so unless your employer takes out the exact amount that should be taken you wont have to worry about the feds holding your money for a year.

I hope you have a severely mentally and physically challenged child and have to pay every fucking cent you have in your mattress to keep the child alive. Absolutely fucking sick of your constitutionalist rhetoric in every single thread. Get over yourself.

It says $19.95 for the federal return and that state is extra.

did you type eztaxreturn.com? or did you go to the irs site?

if you type in the website itself it will charge you for both…if you go thru the irs site, there will be no charge.


then scroll down to eztax…

I went to the irs website then clicked on something there that took me to the ez website. Wont work for me anyways, it says it doesnt support multi-state residency…so I am assuming that you can only file one state. I dont know, this stupid 2 state thing is getting on my nerves, and Im sure Im making it out harder than it is. Whatever Im doing, its thinking that I worked in SC but dont live here, I think. lol

let me do some research, ill get back to you.

I bet you’re sick of the Constitution. You only have freedom because other people fought for it. You don’t have the rocks to stand up for anything worth having.

I only post pertinent information as it relates to our lives and our country. I’m sorry if my patriotism and knowledge offend you. Feel free to crawl in a cave, move to a socialist country, or continue to insult people who try to share valuable information.

I just finished it and filed thru H&R block. I found my error. I am getting a refund though from SC lol. my roommate did hers and ended up with the same thing.



Most of these online ones will do them for free if you made under 54k in the year.

I still think we could have gotten more back nit picking, but marge in charge wouldnt wait for me to do a once over.

I have not checked into this yet but has anyone found any sites that are free for over 54k a year?

I used to use those sites for free federal. Then you can go on to the PA site and do those for free. Then you can do your locals for free also at your municiple bldg.

I didn’t work through the whole thing, but the free turbotax one didn’t blink when the combined income for my wife and I was greater than the 54k. It kept going and allowed me to enter deductions and start the error check process.

Try that one and in a worst case look for a torrent of turbotax deluxe 2007, they do exist.

edit: here’s the link. They throw a bunch of ads in asking you to buy the full version, or upgrade to the state package, but other than that it seemed legit. http://turbotax.intuit.com/personal-taxes/online/free-edition.jhtml;jsessionid=X1SBKKOZZFTECCQIAUWRXCQKBACRIF4K