this is the first year that im going to have any kind of deductions for my return. i bought a house in november of 2007. what can i deduct from the house buying expenditures? and what kind of return should i see based on these deductions?
now that my taxes have become more complex…who would you recommend i go to in order to prepare my taxes?
i know i suck waiting till the last minute…but any help is appreciated.
the thing that i did not like also a new home owner that the money you pay in from work you dont get that if you paid more in taxes getting the house or v/v so i thought i was going to get about 4k more then i got
Turbotax and TaxCut are pretty good at going question by question and finding the standard deductions you can take for things like housing, kids etc.
With a house you’ve got:
Mortgage interest
Probably some other stuff since you bought this year.
You might be able to deduct moving expenses if you meet the criteria that I don’t remember off the to of my head.
Either of the programs I mentioned will have the details about what you can deduct.
The only year I paid a professional was the year I did over 30k in side work in addition to my regular job and filed as a sole proprietor, moving almost every expense I had that year over to the business side to get the big deduction. That year I was afraid of getting audited because we really pushed the limits on deductions.
have you really paid enough to claim more than the standard deduction? i bought my house in September and the lady who did our taxes said i was almost able to use it.