I think they finally got Paterson


Even if he doesn’t end up resigning over this I expect him to withdraw from the election.

Is this the story the times, or w/e newspaper it was, said they had on him a few weeks ago that would make him resign?

hmm imagine that, a politician doing something the majority of other politicians don’t like so they will go whatever ends to oust him.

its about time thats all i gotta say.

Governor Cuomo, I presume?

Unfortunately for Patterson, he’ll never see this coming…

Oh spit!

Pretty much. :bush:

All over the various news outlets that he will announce he’s dropping his election bid.

Sucks for Paterson, I liked him personally and think he got much more crap than he deserved, but from a party perspective it’s definitely good, his name is just too damn toxic and a primary would have been a walk over for Cuomo, but pissed off a bunch of black Democrats enough for them to stay home on election day.

They will dig up dirt even on their own if they want them gone. Sad.

I guess NY will just keep spending its way deeper and deeper.

Let’s face it: NY is beyond repair.

I think the plan is to sink NY, Cali and Mass. so the Feds can take over. So far they are right on track. Now if they could only include Illinois(Chicago)…

an aide of Patterson beat a woman. If Sanford (the Governor of S.C.) can lie about hiking the Appalachian Trail while having an affair in Argentina and stay in office, then I don’t think something Patterson knew nothing about and done by one of his aides should matter. Obviously the aide needs to go.

^Yeah right?

The part they’re suspicious of is Paterson called the woman the day before she was to show up for court and the next day she didnt show

ah, well if that’s true then see you later Mr Patterson.


looks like he’s no longer seeking a full term

Cause he won’t see you!

And allegedly the state police assigned to Paterson as security also had a talk with the woman, even though they really had nothing to do with the case.

Petty politics as usual.

Spitzer, I forgive you.