Patterson up to his old tricks

… wow

This is better than Spitzer?

yeah close the falls, thats intelligent.

is evil monkey from family guy busy? can we get him to be mayor?

Good for Paterson. The legislature refuses to cut our bloated health care and education programs, which make up about 80% of the budget, despite the fact that the state is on the verge of bankruptcy after the largest tax hikes we’ve ever had. You have to cut somewhere.

He also wants to keep state tax returns until April.


If the idiot leg won’t play ball, what’s he supposed to do?

I love how everybody bitches about their pet non-essential program getting their funding cut, but they don’t have the balls to suggest a workable alternative.

[edit] …and I don’t consider raising taxes a workable alternative.


yup, but they announced that like monday

The sad thing is people in this state are so stupid they get mad at Paterson when the real problem is the legislature. Specifically Sheldon Silver, since he still has individual control over what bills come to a vote in the Assembly.

At least during the whole senate coup mess a few months ago the senate rules were changed to allow bills to come to a vote without requiring the approval of the senate majority leader. No such rule changes were made by Silver in the Assembly though, so the state still remains under the dictatorship of a single man representing a small district in Manhattan.

Short of real revolution I don’t see any way to fix NY politics. There is no way that Silver will ever give up his absolute power voluntarily and the only people who can vote him out have no reason to since his absolute power greatly benefits them in their Manhattan district. It will take an assassination with a message that the next speaker will meet the same fate if he continues to block reforms. And we all know that isn’t going to happen.

Last year there was a big delay with the refunds also, anyone remember that?

Good thing I got smart this year, and played the tax game right. NYS owes me 70 bucks or some shit. They can take their time.

I owe NYS $395. They can direct debit it on 4/14.

I told my book keeper to stop taking money out of my check for state taxes.
2 can play at that game. :smiley:
EVERYONE in New York should do the same.

Yeah that’d bankrupt us in a hurry.

They wanted me to pay estimated tax this coming year since i’ve owed ~400 both of the past two years. I said GFY and threw the forms out.

They owe me almost $6000 right now.

Good, let’s cut to the chase and stop f’ing around.

Fair enough.

The problem starts and ends with Medicaid. The rest of these are just nuisance propositions.

And Silver won’t even allow the discussion of Medicaid cuts so where does that leave Paterson, who has to write the budget?

Without a leg to stand on. I mean, an eye to see out of.