LOL! [NY budget deficit grows to $3B]


good job paterson!

As much as I don’t want him to run next year, it’s not really his fault. He says cut spending, the Legislature says no, he takes the rap.

He wants ideas on how to decrease the deficit? Lets start by chopping off NYS’ wang, aka NYC.


Talk about inheriting a clusterf*ck. Paterson can’t do a thing in this state and frankly the next guy won’t be able to either.

Those abolish NY state govt signs make me go hmmmm. Maybe the county execs should run the state.

Yep. Sheldon Silver is the real problem. At least during the coup fiasco the senate enacted rules allowing votes to come to the floor for a vote without requiring the approval of the majority leader. In the assembly Silver is still the dictator elected by a tiny percentage of the state.

That would make a great t-shirt.

“Circumsize NY for a Healthy Future.” With a picture of a doctor with a scalpel cutting off NYC.

I’ll make it!

Anway…I may be a political n00b but, where are all our insanely high taxes going?

They have Paterson watch the money.

Just Karter’s medical bills and my education.

LMAO…well at least someone is looking after it

can we sell the statue of liberty back to the french to raise cash?

!/4 of the state workers can go.

Every state run union is over populated with workers.
On a normal job site I see 5 guys watching 2 guys work.

Soloution, send 3 guys.

Thats a start anyways. Why isnt new york city a state yet?

Somebody also needs to school me on how a defecit can grow to those proportions.
You cant spend money you dont have, or can you?

Do you have a credit card? Same concept, except states sell bonds.

They do not have the privilege of printing money like the federal gov.