i wanna be your friend!

hey dudes

anyone on son who has msn

add me


i wanna make a son240sx msn group

thanks :slight_smile:

cough* he just lonely… dont add him… he will add u from user information lol

First i thought it was gonna be a pic or video of some hot girl doing something or saying " I wanna be your friend" in some sexy way.

But imagine my disappointment…:wtcslap:


help the guy on his quest

Can I be your friend?


i love samson!

dori s14 brotha!!!

what about me ?

Hi avery. I don’t want to be your msn friend.

BLOCK delete!

added… now Accept!!! lol

If i used MSN, you could be my friend,

whats with this emopost ish, feeling okay down there in T.O.?

Maybe you need a drive in the country and some fresh air to clear your head.