I want to be a mod...



duke will return after the new year, i wont tolerate personal attacks on this forum, especially towards someone shorter than him


after all that :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

He was kidding.

I know I know i was just too funny

calm down



ban / lock

Make me a mod Vlad.

damnnnnn Jammer coming down maddd hard :cry

u scare me

make me a mod in carbon fiber !

haha whys that?


U are totally unaware that the kool-aid you have been fed is laced with a socialistic mindset. To many, it may seem like the “better”, “nicer”, “more human” way to be. For us Capitalists, it comes down to freedoms to pay debt and reep reward. Thats how I have summerized it with the limited thought I put into, being prejudice here, and I know it. Im always open minded to listen though.

Jammer for Governor !!!

Well, Im always open to have a reasonable debate. I refuse to do it anywhere near shift because arguing politics or any sort of ideas on here is like trying to make the world stop turning.

:rofl +1 perfect way to explain it, thats why i wont get into politics with u fools