i wanna be a mod

ok im bored and didnt go no where tonight so i decided i wanna be a mod lol

a mod of what putting the red hoses on your car or mod of mcd’s ricers?

a pittspeed mod:D

:rofl: thats fuunny. hey you gona go to the cedar creek car show tomarrow?

yea check ur thread lol

Ok cool, Iam king of driving the Astro VAn tonight i was hulling ass. speedo goes up to 85 or so and i ran out of numbers on I70 oh well. only reason i was going that fast was to get home from the Steve Miller Band concert. i made great time too.

i dont even know who that is lol

It’s a band and it’s rock and roll probly some of the older ppl will know. you need to listen to WDVE or RRK and listen to come good rock and roll.

lol i dont listen to the radio i make all my cd’s

Thoes are radio stations and they are free always have been.

I also see you have a new pic of your car in the Lowe’s parking looks like you upgraded from wal-mart parking lot. lol

yea but i mostly listen to rap/yep now im a lowes ricer haha

:bowrofl: oh my lowe’s ricer. can’t be any worse than the 1 dude who was doing doughnuts in reverse in a FWD car and doing crazy stuff there that night. sam knows we all watched it from wal-mart parking lot.

Hey this post should be called the bored post not i wanna be a mod post.

lol now stop whoreing my thread or they will never make me a mod

can’t help it, i don’t think you had a chance at being a mod anyway, i think you had a better chance staying as a mcd’s ricer mod lol.

I own Page 2, Well iam out off to bed for me see ya tomarrow at the show.

PM!? :dunno: AIM!? :dunno:

pot kettle black!!when ur :ban: why do u im everyone :crying: but me?
u where :ban: for posting locations!so :crying: a fucking river! :jerkit: :tool:


you can only be a Pittspeed moderator if your penis is smaller than 3".