I was hit by a Drunk Driver* tonight, need advice & lawyer

Me, my girlfriend and a buddy of mine were parked on the side of the road near the yaht club (by southpark/USMC Drill center) tonight. We were parked and I had my door open.

This guy comes around the corner and goes past the double yellow lines, and then another five or so feet and slams into us.

My door was open to get the dome light on, so I was ejected from the car and dragged about 20ft.

The first thing the guy says after he hits us was "do you guys have any beer or cigarette’s? The guy never asked us if we were okay.

Thirty minutes later the cops show up. The officer said the guy smelled like beer, and admitted to having at least one beer. However, he passed 2 field sobriety tests so nothing could be done (no breathalysers ect)

He also lied to the police and said we ran into him, the officer then said
“are you sure you want to lie to a police officer?”
He puts in the report that the man was clearly at fault, but nothing about being under the influence.

My mother picks me up (both cars tottaled) and takes me and my girlfriend to the hospital. My gf was pretty much okay. I have a pretty messed up foot (but nothing broken), upper back and neck hurts like hell (nothing “broken”, and I had some trace amounts of blood in my urine (liver was hurt from being dragged)

I’m going to my doctor tomorrow to try to see a physical therapist or chiropractor hopefully. My gf is doing the same.

CLIFFS: - Drunk guy hits us in a parked car and pretty much gets away with it. I could use some advice, and the name of a good lawyer.

neck and back hurts…jackpot…seriously


neck and back hurts…jackpot…seriously


Yeah, my neck is killing me. They did a x-ray and cat scan, they didn’t find anything broken but it’s all documented. I was given a neck brace, hope I won’t really need to wear it.

I was told by my doctor that Garvey & Garvey were really good. Anyone know anything about them?

keep that neck brace on until you are absolutely sure you don’t need it. i’m certainly not an advocate of fraud, but just protect your own ass, especially against some drunk f*ck.

IF it’s not broken, you ain’t gettin’ shit. :fyi:


IF it’s not broken, you ain’t gettin’ shit. :fyi:


not true


not true


very true.

You need serious injuries to have a chance at substantial recovery. If you’re looking for a quick 10K or something call William Mattar or Cellino & Barnes, both will get you a quick settlement.

very shitty situation. I know you want to get him for driving drunk, which would infact be safe to “assume”…however, you don’t have any proof that he i was drunk. Legally, i don’t think you will be able to work off a hunch.

I’m don’t know shit about legal situations, but it sounds like the drunk thing won’t be easy to persue.


very shitty situation. I know you want to get him for driving drunk, which would infact be safe to “assume”…however, you don’t have any proof that he i was drunk. Legally, i don’t think you will be able to work off a hunch.

I’m don’t know shit about legal situations, but it sounds like the drunk thing won’t be easy to persue.


seems that way which is a shame
glad your ok for the most part

Whys he have to be drunk for you to fuck him over?

He hit you, he was at fault, hopefully it says that in the police report. If so, new car for you and go after him for you injuries.

hit in a car call william mattar


I was told by my doctor that Garvey & Garvey were really good. Anyone know anything about them?


Matt Garvey is really good. I can vouch for him. They got me out of getting sued by some asshat. I would give them a call.

cellino and barnes, your injury attorney, call 8-5-4 twweeenttyyy twentyyyy

^That place is shady as fuck. :tdown:

scumbag move to sue for everything…

just make sure you get a new car out of it…or atleast fix your car completly.

but don’t be that guy and sue him for everything…all that does is makes everyones insurance go up


scumbag move to sue for everything…

just make sure you get a new car out of it…or atleast fix your car completly.

but don’t be that guy and sue him for everything…all that does is makes everyones insurance go up


If his insurance goes up GREAT, I want his license suspended. Hell, I’d press charges in a moment if I could.

He was intoxicated and hit another car and injured me and my girl.

Then the first thing he asks me is, “hey buddy do you have any beer or cigs?”


^That place is shady as fuck. :tdown:


i just wanted to sing the song bro, just wanted to sing, the song

Tis a good song…

Anybody else remember this guy?