i was just handed a Palm Centro...

BlackBerry Messenger.

and you know I :heart: gin. That’s how good this is.

Palm OS can suck a fucking huge dick, I had a treo 650 and 700

winMo5 is a close second to sucking

meh, i just got an iphone after a LONG time being a windows 5 then 6 then 6.1 person… i really like it…

the web browser works better/faster then pocket ie or opera mini or even skyfire…

the app store is decent for free apps, and im finally getting used to touch typing on the screen

sorry about becoming a fag…

wait, this is an iphone thread?

dever had to cloud the thread with his gayness.


I heart My 700P. the Curve is trying to get me to come its way, but my Treo does me well

I guess all you people with palm devices just dont know what you’re missing.

What was your opinion on the phone? What did you think of the software?

I’m currently using a BB pearl 8130, it has a suretype keyboard.

I find the centro keypad much tougher to use, even though its a traditional qwerty.

It’s a little bit thicker than the pearl.

I found the touch screen to not be as responsive as I would like, many times pressing down multiple times with the stylus in order to get it to register. (for a comparison, I like the touchscreen on the I760 by samsung).

After really trying to play with the phone (I decided almost right away I was not going to activate it) the software and the way you navigate doesnt seem intuitive.

Thats as deep as I feel like getting right now though.


Played with teh INSTINCT the other day. Meh not worth all the hype, If the BB can do all the things my Treo does, plus more, I may take the leap.

You wont regret it.

I was just informed I’ll be given a Palm Centro for my work phone =[ I guess I’ll just have to hide it in my pocket so that customers don’t think they should buy it just because I have it.

Oh well, at least I still have my 8830 for my personal phone and they can’t take that away! :open_mouth: