agghhh they got me goddamnit... they got me

i want an ipod touch. fuck.

  1. are there any rumors floating around about an iphone coming to sprint anytime soon? i would switch, but its soooooo cheap! if you have one, how much do you pay a month for service? im out of contract w/ sprint, if i sign a contract, do i get $$ off of the iphone?

  2. i’ll settle for an 8gb if its cheap, where is the best / cheapest / most well known and safe place to get one?

  3. why the fuck havent they came out with a new FUCKING TREO THAT DOESNT BLOW!!!1 FUCK THE CENTREO ITS A FUCKING 755p BARBIE PHONE

im honestly thinking about selling my treo that i got 6 months ago for $$ for a ipod touch, then re-up with sprint for a free or decently priced base model phone. i could have both but really that would be retarded, my pockets would be bulging


you can’t use an ipod touch (itouch) as a phone… all it is, is a touch screen ipod

O WOW RLY?!?!?!?!?!? I HAD NO IDEA

dude, srsly, do you really think i am that inept? i understand the difference

as far as i know, the apple has an exclusive contract with at&t. i could be wrong. i’m not really sure why you want that fag phone. or is it a christmas gift for your boyfriend?

i might be convinced to sell my 32 gb touch. i’ll think it over.

:tup: great post. subscribed!

dan i just want to play jelly car all goddamn day

and if i was going to buy one i would buy shrives but like i said earlier, carrying around a treo and a itouch would be a bit overwhelming

jellycar is so last week. touchgrind is the new hotness.

and what’s wrong with my 32gb? fuck shrives and his fagPod.

i think you are a little confused. you dont need to be on with sprint to get the itouch. maybe you really want an iphone, not the itouch?

no, i think he just had two separate trains of thought going. he wants an itouch, but figures if he’s going to get one, he might as well look into an iphone. that way he could get away with carrying one device.

bestbuy has a $50 gift when you buy a itouch right now

It happen to me I love my itouch

exactly, thank you grahm err ghram ummm i know its not spelled like the metric weight of measurement sooooo


uhm… the Apple and AT&T have the contract, not sure what Dex was talking about up there

jellycar isssss so last week

Grahme. i don’t know where that spelling came from, i blame bad parenting.

Seriously…I don’t own a mac. I hated the first iPhone and I have been with Verizon since I was 14. I had the iPod touch when it came out and it was amazing. First iPod product I owned and worth it. I got hooked and dropped verizon and got the 3G iPhone when it came out and love it.

I travel so my MP3 player and cell phone are great to have in one. The service is great too. Never an issue or had a time when verizon had service and att didnt.

If you get an iPod touch, you will hate not having the actual phone IMO.

Take the jump!

boxxa how much a month do you pay all said and done?

i’m not sure what happened there. i was listening to my girlfriend talk at the same time i was posting. i clearly needed to be paying less attention to her. hell, she’s talking right now and this has my full focus.

~$120 a month 900 min, data and unlimted text

Edit: :tup: listening to woman is over rated, and usually result in males fucking something important up

ugh i pay a lot less that half that for the same from sprint. only i have 500 min that i never use all of

touch it is i guess. :sigh: