I was playing mario kart today...

Yea, birdo is that lil whore that spits out eggs and fireballs.

stupid thread, pointless and dumb:retardclap

:rofl trish


:wtf :rofl

this is an old thread

Talk about my girl again and I’ll make sure you need a closed casket. flex

Nationaldyke is butthurt!

id say so holy shit way to dig threw shit ,:ahh

u r pathedic:Idiots

LMAO wtf:lmao

JClark is SO pathedic

i r patedic.

u r dic

remember that time you were pathetic and you went to the mall with cliff and you guys were just walking around and grabbed a soda and then went home?

Remember when we went to the mall and I wanted to get a phone activated but the guy gave me a new phone instead? Now THAT’s a story for the ages

yeah, remember when we were leaving the mall, and the guy beeped, and we beeped back?

That was a good story

DUDE…one time I went to the Verizon store, and I wanted a bluetooth headset, and the guy at the store sold me the cheapest one there b/c he was keeping it real! I hear you!!!

Yeah bro!! Verizon at the mall knows how to do it! I’m loving these stories


I fixed the pic