i was told to make this thread... how do i get into SRS? LOL

Fuuuck those are good. Buying a package to use for smores this weekend

Report back if Trace reads this and it works.

Because that would allow me to market “Shift_getsyoulaid”

Ban 1 for not posting a new candy bar!


whos trace

Soooo hungry…


so delic! nom nom!



i’d fuck a candy bar.

Can I freeze one and fuck you with it?

FUCK YES YOU CAN. I prefer butterfinger.

Any preference?

Trace lives in waynes basement.lol


But I am allergic to peanuts. Perhaps a King sized Charleston Chew?

Attic!!! shes not allowed near the Viper.



What I wanna know is how many of you guys friend requested her on facebook since the link has popped up lmfao…

hey keep the thread on track…

CANDYBARS :excited

A lot… Its fine