i was told to make this thread... how do i get into SRS? LOL

Hes Black.

shift church meet?

funny story this happened to a friend of mine. He came home drunk one night and pissed off his sister so she clocked him in the head with the nearest available object, which in turn happened to be a leather bound bible. He was rendered unconcious and woke up the next day with the imprint of a cross on his forehead that he was harassed about for several days.

my pjb post of the day

did he get it in?

So from what I see here

Women are the root of all evil?

Cool story bro.

Bro cool; story.

Many people (out of hate for religious people since they aren’t religious themselves) group all religious people into one group (you?). If you don’t think that’s ignorant, you’re a moron and thus my comment is accurate. I am nothing like a catholic nor am I anything like the Phelps family (who non-religious people like to compare us other religious people too).

The vast majority (if not all) of those reported abuse cases were catholics, so saying Pastor wouldn’t have been accurate either :lol


I’m Pentecostal.

Double post.

I don’t lump all people together. But to say someone is ignorant because they don’t know a lot about religion is as ridiculous as me saying you’re ignorant bc you dont know the penal system and its applications(just an example). People will study or persue information on what they are interested in and need to know, I have no interest in religion, and I don’t believe it makes me any less smart for not knowing a whole lot about it, just as I wouldn’t call you ignorant for not knowing how many valves came in a 97 cobra lol.



ig·no·rant [ig-ner-uhnt] Show IPA
lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
uninformed; unaware.

Ignorant doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing or mean that a person is dumb in EVERYTHING. I admit that I am ignorant in anything not related to computers/electronics, music, christianity, or on a smaller scale now, photography.

However, when someone makes fun of a Christian/Religious person in a mocking manner, that is ignorant in a BAD way because most likely those people have never read a bible/holy book or cared enough to thus they don’t know anything about the denomination or religion in question (except from what their friends of same opinion feed them)…in which case the term ‘ignorant’ fits PERFECTLY.

Anyway, I’m off to watch the NBA draft. Later haters.

If you guys don’t stop with the religious attacks I will start banning people for it.

You really have nothing better to do than bring that up against the guy every time he posts? Especially when he doesn’t mention the matter first?

This is no different than picking on the Jews etc and is against the rules.

Plus unless you can prove your belief, whatever it may be you got no point of looking down on the rest of them. And since none can be proven… RELAX.

holy hell man , who cares if he is religous he isnt shoving it down our throat " when he dooes ill go at him lol" let him be

Go jerk off to a Jesus poster faggot.

TROLLED :rofl :rofl :rofl


really what ???

Your hitting the gay part of your cycle again… where all you talk about is your alcohol and drug consumption.

My post got deleted…