i was told to make this thread... how do i get into SRS? LOL

then why is ur user name sweatynready? lol… sweatynready to what? take a shower and clean off? lol I dont get it.

well wtf fun are you???

agree… or I can just meet up with her briefly, hit it, throw my balls in her face real quick and report back.




Sounds like something a cop would say

lets make it very clear that i did NOT come up with that user name. slowz06 did… but obviousl he wanted me to use it for a reason… idk

I doubt your hot. And what reason do you have to get into the SRS? Just to say you did?

right!!! any girl that tells you she’s hott will prolly only send you a pic of her from above her head so she looks skinnny

u keep sending me faces and stuff but not turning me down… you dont have to say yes in public, fuck it, just pm me :wink: we can keep it on the hush

and everyone calling her ugly, stop, ur gonna scare her away

Wait, women want what they can’t have? :ponder

Im drunk



I bet it was justingeofag54433456787654455654


Ugg. Fucking Facebook Hide-A-Fatties FTL:Idiots



love for boost finding the good in a bad situation