Does anyone have a picture of the one tooth man that was walking around the cruise on friday? I was standing their BS’ing with a few people. This guy comes up to me and starts going off about why i’d rip the rotary out of the car.
I listed off reasons, but to be honest I forgot most of the conversation cause I was fixated on his one giant yellow tooth in the middle of his mouth. He said something along the lines of “Well I know what NOT to do when I get an Rx7”. I was like good, cause I don’t want anyone else to have one like this. To be honest I’d be suprised if this guy owned a car in his lifetime.
I’m not positive, but I can safely assume this is the guy that talked to me for like 45 minutes at Irwin a few years ago about the LS1 Miata. He went on and on about how he’s getting “three 700hp race motors from Japan” that “won a bunch of races over there” that he was going to put into something or other.
I was trying not to laugh hysterically the entire time, but it was hard not to.
This is the guy that walks around with a hat on and always has a camera hanging from his neck, right?
Why don’t assholes realize that it’s your car and you do what you want with it. Sure I have been known to question one’s taste before, but seriously - who thinks the rotary is better than the LSx?. The rotary’s designer, and this tool.
Haha… if I remember (keep in mind it was hard cause I was focused on his one tooth), he had a hat that said mustang on it. I can’t remember if he had a camera around his neck or not. He wasnt all that friendly with me cause I didnt really humor him and I just talked crap about rotarys cause it got him all pissed off.
I still want a picture of this guy, cause my buddies that I came with in the rally car just left and missed out on all the fun…
Avoid the one-toothed man in the Ford Racing hat like the Plague. I remember something about his 1000 HP Skyline that he is having imported for the last 4 years now.