I will pay someone this weekend too...

i have no idea :lol never claimed to be a photographer at all. i’ve always understood that the higher the MP the higher the quality and clarity of the photo? i guess not?

those aren’t great examples of his work, those are just the only car ones that i could find

here are a few non-car pics


like i said he’s no pro but these are better shots of what he can do. not bad for a 17 year old with <1 yr experience in photography, i dont think

ive never seen him use auto once. he’s always fiddling with stuff. like i said i’m only familiar with point and shoot digitals on auto mode so i have no idea what he’s messing around with i just know that he does it :lol

and yeah ryan your pics always look good too

EDIT: and my friend has 3 or 4 lenses, the only one i know off the top of my head is a Peleng fish-eye that takes great pics, i guess it’s some rare russian hand-made lens?

this is from facebook so it’s really grainy