I will pay someone this weekend too...


those pics i posted he did the editing on, when he has his friend do the photoshop and editing they turn out pretty damn good. i definitely donā€™t think theyā€™re up to nickā€™s standards, but heā€™s really just getting into the photography thing. heā€™ll be taking pics of my car on the BBShits soon enough

way ahead of you cripple.

What camera is he using?

ssssssssssmokinnnnnnnnnnnn you have a PM


i can walk without a limp, im winning.

ok fags. time to go make my car run.

Go get that thing ready for a beatdown :lol:tongue

i cant remember, some 3-4 yr old canon. i know heā€™s getting a Canon EOS 5D within the next few months. 12.8MP :excited



iā€™ll take some pics of your car for lunch or dinner. i always enjoy taking pics of a different cars.

hey SSSSSSsssssSSSSSSSsssssssSsS, can i use my motorola moto?

5D mark II is a 2600$ body. he doesnt need all that. hed be fine with a 50D, even then thats alot of camera for what i see his skills being

if you knew, you would know that mp means jack shit. :Idiots

Gotta get a baller ass lense!!

yea but people that just want to put it in auto and take pics of their kids going to prom buy dslrs these days, theres a reason why i would never go over and sell cameras when i worked for best buy, they would be pissed at me for telling people they have no use getting an slr.

I dunno, I think my pics come out decent and Iā€™m just rocking a D50 .

I thought they were good:thumbup

i have no idea :lol never claimed to be a photographer at all. iā€™ve always understood that the higher the MP the higher the quality and clarity of the photo? i guess not?

those arenā€™t great examples of his work, those are just the only car ones that i could find

here are a few non-car pics


like i said heā€™s no pro but these are better shots of what he can do. not bad for a 17 year old with <1 yr experience in photography, i dont think

ive never seen him use auto once. heā€™s always fiddling with stuff. like i said iā€™m only familiar with point and shoot digitals on auto mode so i have no idea what heā€™s messing around with i just know that he does it :lol

and yeah ryan your pics always look good too

EDIT: and my friend has 3 or 4 lenses, the only one i know off the top of my head is a Peleng fish-eye that takes great pics, i guess itā€™s some rare russian hand-made lens?

this is from facebook so itā€™s really grainy


All those pics are very grainyā€¦ he needs to lower the ISO something seriousā€¦ The higher the ISO the faster the film speed the grainier the textureā€¦

Now Iā€™m not an expert photographer, but my dad was a photographer and owned his own stuido for 10 years, my uncle has been doing it his whole life so even I have a good understanding of whats goin on and how to use a nice camera, Iā€™ve been using film SLRs for quite awhile.

Now Nick does take some sick pictures i dont remember what my uncle said abotu a few of them but basicly said theres just little things nick could do with the scenary and lighting to make the pictures come out betterā€¦

Like MK4 30r said for his experiance he takes some serious pictures, give him some more time and he will be even better

With that said Megapixles doesnt mean shit other than the resoloution of which the picture is taken. What makes the pictures look good is the quality and size of the sensor.

I plan on getting a Nikon D40ā€¦ Why? Because its small, has great reviews uses the same sensor as Nikons more exspensive lineups and even has some easier preset settings when you dont feel like manualy setting everything all the time. Its only 6.1mp but I really dont give a shit ive seen some serious photos it takes and it will do the job just fine.

I also plan on getting the Nikon 18mm-200mm lense read some awsome things abotu the lense

Yo Kramer, youre interior looks HORRENDOUS!!! :ahh