I would be PISSED...


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Link no workie

Is this what you were trying to do?

yeah…wtf, it worked when i preview’d my post…oh well… FIXED thanks

wow that had to suck.

wonder if that falls under an Act of God by the insurance company

9 out of 10 ice blocks hate mustangs.

that should tell you something

lol… someone blamed global warming.

wtf thats crazy

Automotive accelerated natural selection?

I kid I kid

funny how the neighbor cant speak english

only a 50lb. ice block did that,holy shit

ya 50lbs going like 100+mph


good night

as i watching this, the news showed it as well. Id be pissed for sure.


Ouch. Talk about bad luck. 15 feet in any direction, and it’d just hit grass or asphalt.

I think God hates Mustangs.