Ice road truckers

New series on history channel june 17.

looks good

looks pretty sweet saw a preview for the series in theaters?? but ill watch it

Isn’t it amazing how they get one story idea, and just keep replaying it?

Although this looks good for some late night weekend viewing…

seen a preview for it last night, looks good

& its in HD = :bigthumb:

This pictures gives me the willies.

Drowning is scary enough, but in dark freezing ass water, I think the chances for survival are slim to none.

A few months ago there was a long story in Popular Mechanics about ice trucking and stuff. It was pretty dramatic as is…they don’t need a series to hype it up. Its a wonder they can walk with balls that big…

Horrible show. I could have been watching VHS porn.

same announcer on all these types of shows

they never even said how much the runs pay.

all they said was they make more in 60 days than a full year of trucking

That still does not give alot of info :rofl:
Too much of a broad income range.

Meh, I expected better from the History Channel.

I’ll stick to deadliest catch

I watched it and thought it was weak…but that pic is crazy

It will be like the deadliest catch in the way they show the pay. I am goin to say they will show the amount made overall at the end of the season. Deadliest catch is way better though

deadliest catch > *

mike rowe > *