If anyone is seasonal help at BB, or knows someone...

PM me…

I know regular employees will get fired for making purchases not for them, but if someone is seasonal, and getting ready to leave for the season, let me know. I want a sharp aquos 46". The cost is 2150, the retail is 2999. I’ve got 125 bucks for you if you can hook it up…

I might be able to hook ya up newman, i’ll talk to my buddy tonight

my folks just got the sharp aquos 52" , pretty nice set, cant wait to play wii on it

46" aint baller.

awesome, yeah, let me know… it’s a cash deal…

dont bestbuy employees only get 10% anyways?

they get cost+5%

5% or 10% above BB’s cost. Or something.

I’ll ask the woman, she buys stuff for my friends and me all the time. :gotme:

well, if she can go big, then let me know. theres a crisp franklin and some friends in it for her.

shit i woulda done it , i was seasonal but i just quit about 2 weeks ago lol.

best buy sesoanal i leave in a week last day is the 21st lol

if you are interested, can you get me your price out the door?

im in ohio but will be home for x-mas obviously, what is it again? im going there in like 20 mins i’ll check

sharp aquos 46" LCD tv

ill check see what i can do, i hate that place anyway they make to much money its redculous


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the only way to go for a true baller!

oh shit, that’s big.

i’ll stick to medium pimpin.

newman, i might be able to help ya- i’ll get back to ya-

alright, let me know. if you do, i’ll take back those mean things i said about your cavi project. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol no worries newman—i called him he’s calling me back at 5