If anyones looking for a cheap corvette...here you go!

Prices so low…they’ve sunk to a new level:jawdrop:




This makes my stomach sink

Sad face

startslarrydavidvoice…that’s a shame…endslarrydavidvoice…

Wife and I were talking earlier about canceling our move to bowling green after hearing this. I know two other people down there and one has a very old sinkhole in their backyard and the other one just had one there in the fall. His comment was it was only like five feet wide. Screw that. But where to move then? We were thinking texas/Arkansas border area but in texas

Done with NY are you?

At least a couple of those vettes were from the 80’s, thank you Jesus.

You can pay someone to survey the land before you buy if that’s really something you’re worrying about.

Lucky for the museum it happened overnight and not during business hours so it was just the cars that were lost. Unfortunate for sure.

Done with ny and would just like a fresh start to try and relax. Sort of like in the movies where the crooks ( I’m not a crook or RNixon) would just take their money and go start a new life somewhere. Sort of like FF5 I think where they had a house on the beach with their little family.
I’m sure I would still do properties wherever I would land, just would like to be more of a silent money partner and collect interest.

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They can detect or predict against a future sinkhole? I know KY is all caves and would think the land could just go anytime. Sort of like florida?

Sinkholes are formed in specific types of rock depending on the water table and other factors. A Hydrologist should be able to tell you if the land that you’re buying is at risk and to what degree.

You could use this to your advantage too and cause a seller to lower his price based on assessed risk :slight_smile:

Now that’s using your degree! @Onyx_Z32

Sinkhole De Mayo.

video added, first post

See, even god hates corvettes!

^that just earned a rep

That ZR1 looks fine

jesus, if that’s “sinkhole video 3” I wonder how bad the flying/filming was on 1 & 2.

lol i know right

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more videos added…I want to see the rest of the footage