If Beck is lying, what will we do to him?

i think ban is a good idea.


Question why does anybody care about a fake thread? You all act like this is something new like Beck has never done this before. It’s Beck seriously… So I suggest that everyone that voted aginst Beck to wipe your vagina and learn from it. Why would you vote him off, it’s not his falt most of you guys where to stupid to believe that it was a fake thread to begin with. THANKS…L.S.F. 4 LIFE SON.

I don’t know about you, since you’re a member of team LSF (first sign of douchebaggery) but I don’t have time for that shit, especially on a CAR forum. I never believed it from tbe beginning, so i didnt really care when it turned out fake, but IMO it serves no real purpose, so why bother? Its beck, he sucks, we get it, is that the excuse for him staying on? That’s like saying, sure he makes anti-jewish posts, but hes hitler, what do you expect, youre stupid to believe him.

obviously overly extreme example and i dont even mind him but your logic and reasoning make almost as much sense as a 4 cylinder POS being the NA king.

I LOLed.

WORD>… that is EXACTLY my point… who freaking cares… la de da de da…

Interesting as it was, yes, there was a lot of drama. In the end though, it was for a school assignment, and because this assignment gave Beck the opportunity to better himself, he should not be punished. He received exactly the results he was looking for. I vote to reverse the poll, and whoever hated on beck in the other thread should be given the custom title “Prejudgemental Nonsupportive Bastard”.


Sorry, nothing to add. I just found this funny for some reason.

Goddamn I love your sig. It makes me laugh every time. Chuck’s acting is a little suspect.

i say we inject him with super aids




:lol: good one beck.

Custom title. Banning does nothing but create trolls.

sociology. lol


I don’t know u personally, so I have nothing negative to say. I think playing the joke on ur closest friends and family was a bit over the top. As far as OT goes, fuck it, it was good entertainment.

i voted for custom title…
do we get to vote on titles?
“honourary f-body lover”

if your teacher had half a clue, she would probably already know
that furms are not reality…

is she one of those 60 y/o phd’s that has her grandson buy her stuff on ebay :smiley:

oh, and thank god you did not boost that alero :smiley:

edit: if i took the time to check for readability or proofread
the internet woudl not be as gooder

I lost about 10 IQ points trying to read that…

:slight_smile: hope you can spare it.

I never believed him I was just going a long with it. He told me about it. And if you wanna talk about a douchebag then look in mirror. Your face has douchebag written all over it. Hold on let me list a bunch of car I don’t own…
In my conculsion it seems someone has Beck envy. LOL. :touchy:

Oh I’m sorry, DID I hit a nerve.

You’re a very angry person.