If Beck is lying, what will we do to him?

That made my day too!
I just clicked on here to unsubscribe.

Holy shit that picture totally made this 1000 times better. :lol:

i agree the pic is fucking awesome.

I aim t’ please. :lol:

I just read ur 1st post and nothing else. All I gota say is you need a life kid. School > people on internets feelings? WTF is that? You took an assignment way too fucking far. Get a life humpjob what you did is pretty sad and pathetic if you ask me. I bet if u told the teacher how far into the assigment you got he would switch you over to a retard class.

lol retard class

i bet she would toss his salad

Lol @ beck

So your brother and your cousin had a child together? :bloated:

Incest FTW


Im so glad i didnt get involved in this before. I dont understand why people are getting pissed. Its the internet, get a life. He duped you, for a school experiment, yall fell for it, and what happened? Nothing. absolutly fucking nothing. People didnt die, children wernt orphaned, cities were not destroyed, there was no mass genocide. He was simply trying to judge your reaction, and undoubtedly, the reactions here of “OMFG I SO HATE YOU BECK!, YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON AND YOU BATHE IN THE TEARS OF ORPHANS. I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRERY CAR CRASH !!!1111111111oneoneoneoene”, will be duly noted.

:tup: beck

and if you give him a stupid custom title, i request:

“stupid s-10 homofaggor” to be mine

:lol: @ the mini me pic and the Joe being short pic. I voted perma ban for shits and giggles…you know I <3 you Beck. Even if you drive a honduh and wear girls cloths :P.

This is so retarded. :cjerk:

can i vote for nothing because i don’t really care?


In for retarded custom title.

Custom title, or nothing at all. Who cares? It’s the freakin’ internet.

So, you got tricked by a post?! Oh no!! So it made you think about something? God forbid.

Oh, you’re all upset because you said something nice, like “congratulations.” I can see a tiny bit of masculinity drip away in those heart-felt posts. Come on. That’s what people do when someone gets pregnant. You wish them the best and offer any help you can. Or, you tell them they’re an idiot and you move on with life. If someone posts a false alarm, or makes it up altogether, you admit you got sucked in, or you point out that you never believed them. You don’t ban them. I equate banning with abuse. This is not abuse of anything. It’s off-topic. Oh, and did I mention it’s just the internet?

roflcopter :rofl:


this whole beck situation with the kid and all is not even that big of a deal.
why would beck even get banned in the first place its not like he killed anyone i still vote (new name):beer:

<===== Didn’t vote cus there shouldnt be anything done to him.

if you don’t like beck and/or his threads, just dont read them. plain and simple.