If gas jumped to $5+ a gallon, what habits of yours would change?

Thought this would spark some discussion.

Everybody always complains about gas prices, but nobody ever does anything about it or refuses to change their driving habits or vehicles.

We are expected $4 regular this summer, and $5 regular within two years.

Keep in mind Europe has been paying about $9 a gallon for years, hence why diesels and small vehicles are so popular over there.

I was joking around with Joey the other night, that in the near future people will be racing for gas, loser fills the winners tank. :lol

Personally not much would change for me, I already ride the bike as often as possible (~50mpg on 87) and the Crx gets a decent ~30mpg and I don’t take useless drives.

I’d buy a bike

…and get studded tires and a REALLLY warm jacket for winter :rofl

yeah id but a bike for nice weather and i only keep my car for the winter because 30mpg is pretty good imo

CDTA. or invest in a nice road bike.

My teg wouldnt be driven except on track days…and i would most deff have another bike asap…vald you run your bike on 87 :confused is that for both bikes??? even on my 94 93 octane was highly recommended

i’ll run wvo (waste vegetabl oil)

SV is recommended to run on 87 and it does it just fine.
636 is Super only.

BTW, for those of you that think of “investing” in a nice road bike, there is no way to justify the initial price offset of the bike + gear + insurance + depending (super) and marginal increase in MPG with gas savings.

If one already has a bike, then the decision is easy, but it’s not an “investment” it would take probably a decade to actually offset the cost of the bike by the money you save on MPG :ponder

Edit: Unless you buy a really old beat up small CC street bike, in which case it would probably only take about 5 years to offset the cost…

i’d sell my cars, buy a bike and a TDI

or keep the civic and just not go WOT as much ;D

i would keep my camaro, 5 bucks wont stop me from driving that thing. I would just use it sparingly and invest in a nice bicycle

We’ve already taken the Formula off the road and the truck.

If this keeps up, I’m buying a horse.

It wouldn’t be so bad if our wages kept up with the inflation.

Well i guess you learn something new everday ;D…as for buying anouther bike i know for me it would be for more than just mpg…i love to ride and plan on buying one anyway

road bike = pedal bike, id buy a decent .75inch width 12-18 gear road bike for a few hundred bucks and crank away, granted i dont live too far from the places i go, and my daily gets 36mpg and runs on spit, im not too worried really. dont buy a 2 dollar soda and a bag of cheetos everyday for a week and thats gas money right there… there are so many other ways to save money, people make such small, yet unconscious purchases all the time that add up to a hundred or more dollars a month.

i try to avoid buying snacks and drinks from gas stations when im out, i usually bring things from home to avoid that issue… alot of the people who complain about gas prices probably have a pack a day or more smoking habit, or are religious drinkers… ditch the vice and get some gas for that car

Formula? :confused

that is true, a lot of people spend pointless money, i know i find myself eating at subway or some other fast food joint during classes because im too damn lazy to get up in the morning and make something for myself

I’d have to get out the horse and buggy…

i wouldn’t change much. every vehicle I own gets 30+mpg

I don’t drive much(usually under 500 miles a month) so not much would change. When I move I hope to find a place within walking distance to at least a few places, a lot of complexes down south are super complexes that contain pretty much everything one would need to live. You only have a vehicle to leave the compound, the whole idea sounded terrible at first, but the more I think about it the more I like it.

thats just because your getting old…

do the complexes also offer a bonus of a free rascal scooter and a free rectal exam ?