complimentary prune juice too…lol with depends as a sponsor. :crackup
I’d ditch the rotary.
You might be on to something :ponder
I’ll have to look into the rascal scooter and complimentary rectal exam.
barley drive the car as it is, i ride my bike to the store, ive saved alot here and there.
If gas were going to 5 agallon, i’d work longer, drive car less ;D
I wouldn’t change anything
Word, when it get’s to $6-7 I’ll start shitting bricks.
literally :shifty
Yes, bricks of coal. I’m going steam-powered.
I’d just buy a damn gas station to save to 5-10%.
Seriously, My AAA Mastercard sends me back 5% on all gas purchases… shit adds up between the H2 and TA.
I get 5% as well, when I first got my Hess CC, I got 10% off for the first 3 months… I think I might have to re-sign up to it or something :confused
At the rate it’s at now, that would ~35 cents off a gallon for 3 months.
Hess on Rt.9 across from Northeast Acura gives 5% off per gallon if you pay with cash…shit adds up :nod
+1 on that . . . idk id prolly sell my truck and buy a bike but the amount of driving i do probably wont change that much …
well id leave the jeep for offroad only and go by a f**kin feista that gets like 30+ mpg and sell my self on the street for the extra cash :banana (the jeep now gets only like 17-21 mpg image when the lift goes on jeez…)
A vw TDI wont save your ass with diesel prices climbing way over 4 a gallon. And of course with the whole on road diesel ulsd 15 ppm switch over you get ALOT worse mileage. You cant tell me we are not getting fucked here. I get 16-17 mpg using the new ulsd 15ppm fuel at the pumps in my duramax, and i get 22+ mpg AND my truck runs smoother on +500ppm fuel.
Start selling my body on the street :ninja
But seriously it wouldn’t affect me. Just another operating expense. Now if it gets to 9 a gallon like in Europe, I will have to invest a little more than I am now. It works out.
You can argue that we’re getting fucked now, but I think we have been lucky up to now and things are starting to even out. Supply and demand, they could charge $10 a gallon tomorrow and you’d still need gas/fuel. There is about 50-70 years of oil left on this planet and then we are back to levels similar to the 1930’s, why wouldn’t you capitalize on it while you still can. Even a modest dip in production will have adverse effects on the global economy, by about 2025 oil production will be roughly half what it currently is, which means clearly NOT enough oil to maintain as we have been. While we will never run out of oil, we will run out of enough to exist as we have been sooner then most think. As this happens you can expect prices to keep climbing, I’m sure in most of our lifetimes we will see oil be more valuable then gold. Alternative energy sources are the only solution to preventing huge global setbacks within the next 20-40 years.
Diesel is cheaper to produce and crude oil yields more diesel per barrel than gas… why is it more expensive than gas??? B/c we pay it. Trucking companys simply pass the fuel surcharge to the consumer. Watch the price of pretty much everything else. milk/eggs, all the needs that are trucked in by trucks that run on…DIESEL. Even producing alternative fuels needs diesel to be produced. Electric is mostly produced with coal and diesel. Coal can also produce diesel. The govt. is fuKT. They like to tell you things like" hey trust us we are the government…bend over"
That’s an odd interpretation, diesel is taxed more because its most commonly used by businesses. Businesses pay more property/school tax then a comparably valued residence, they pay a higher rate for electricity, they even pay a higher rate for internet service; businesses pay these premiums so that the average Joe can survive. Business expenses are always higher, why would or should diesel be an exception? Before I sold my business, the last year I was there I paid $18k in school tax, no one from my business ever went to school, but its the way it goes.
I also said alternative energy, not alternative fuels, as in hydrogen cells, particle accelerator, solar or even fusion. I’m talking easily renewable, readily available and a cheap new energy source that will make us look back on our days of oil dependency and laugh.
if I can find all of the rebates available from NYS, Im contemplating putting a solar voltaic system on the house
If your serious about this let me know, one of my friends has looked into it and I have an interest to learn more, we can compare notes.