If its one of you- stop the shit

Come to think of it, Frank(underboosted) said last night at the lot that he bought a sand blaster off silveradoman and it doesnt work because silveradoman put the wrong sand in it and fucked it up. I’m sure we could take the F-150 and dump sand in the Silverado :rofl

What if PBJ were to get knocked out by the vacuum cleaner? Epic fail videoz right thurrr!

Im in like flynn!!

whoever flynn is, im in like him too :wierd

:thumbup :rofl

i gots a f-1fitty also im in

:retardclap i know… i was… ughhh nvm :Idiots :rofl



I hate Chevy trucks. I would never buy one. I learned from my Chevy mistakes.

Unlike some people I actually have to work the next day. I cant fall asleep at work because Im a delivery driver. I dont want you guys hearing about me on the news causing a pile up on the northway because I feel asleep.

I’d like to hear about that on the news.

Shift_stakeout :ponder

That is all.

he should lay out trip wire and thumb tacks around his truck. that should do the trick.

thats a pretty fancy looking pot. id like to leave a steamy loaf in it.

I’m curious to what the police report says lol.

bahhahha LMFAO :rofl :rofl :rofl

Such gold in here.

id love to sit and see who it is thats doin this shit ,im not sure if id beat there ass for pjb or shake there hand for fuckin wit him…granted pjb is afriend but i find this funny and a little sick

its probably someone messing with his brother mark, and putting the stuff in the white F150, thinking its marks.

bawahahahahahahahahahahahahahah this a amzing stuff

This thread is great.


Did the things in your truck smell like bad breath? Thinkin its failvis