If the board ever goes down

flop sweat

Like Firehawk’s?


I wish to be informed call me.

If it goes down again I’ll probably get fired. Meaning that I got so much done at work today they’ll think I’ve been goofing off. :uhh:

A couple metal cans with a string attached ok? Peeing a message in the snow?

what about myspace bulletins


I got it!



Hey man that’s the price you pay to be important. Maybe you should hire a publicist and they can deal with us.

FUCK, i Im’ed you, PM’d you AIM’ed you, sent a message via Myspace, hit up yer facebook page,even my texts went ignored, to make it worse you acted like you didnt get my Morse code shit! mutha fucka hit me up next time! ugh, did you get the smoke signals i sent up!?

i seriously feel bad for howie every time this board goes down for longer than like, 6 minutes.

So people actually try to get a hold of you because an internet forum is down? That’s just so sad. I don’t know what else to say.

wait…the interweb is a failure?

ya ya im sure you had a big LAN party and nerded out instead.

Yeah, I’ve been involved in a 4 day Counterstrike marathon. It was intense…

If the board ever goes down again…I’m putting a hit out on you.

lol. just use the SKS. teach em a little lesson.

6 minutes… holy fuck… don’t scare us like that… that would be a catastrophe

Howie must have been lonely so he thought to himself, if I shutdown NYSPEED I will get tons of phone calls.

OR he was just on a power trip and shut it down going BWAAAAHAHA BWAAAHAHA BWAAAAHAHA!!!

J/K Daddio

i sent a message through vibratory pelvickinesis

i only contacted you at work twice about it. i wanted to make sure you knew. gezzzzz.
