If the board ever goes down

I figured if I took down the servers at your work you would have enough time to fix the issues with NYSpeed…sorry :frowning:

i got 3 txts 2 calls and lots of fucking myspace msgs


how about. next time it goes down, post the names of everyone who said something, so we can ridicule and, if deemed necessary, PM and call.

Ok, my new method will be to do the following when the board is up.

Every 30 minutes I will:

Call you
Send a text
Message you on AIM
Email you
Contact you through hobowars

If I fail to do so, check the board to make sure it is up.

Thank you Daddie…


i got 3 txts 2 calls and lots of fucking myspace msgs



srsly? wow

admittedly, I copied & pasted the bandwidth exceeded msg into an IM. figured it was a courtesy. meh.


Don’t IM me, text me, call me, call my house, call my family and tell them to tell me, leave messages on my car, etc.

Don’t e-mail me either.

I know.

“Why don’t you respond to me?!?”

Because I don’t feel like responding to fucking 129938971890237 of you.



People were calling you telling about the site being down??? :lol::lol: :picard::picard::picard::picard::picard::picard: Some people truly have no life…

what if you call me, can i tell you that the board is down then?