If you didn't live in Buffalo where would you live?

Boston, Michigan, Hilton Head SC, or NC.

as much as i hate winter, it has too many good sports/recreations to offer. i think ide miss em. (snowmobiling, hockey, skiing, sledding)

I’d be way up in the Rockies. Probably Breckenridge area.

Difference between growing up and being 35, renting an apartment, drinking every night and not really sure what you want to do with your life

I swear I have not met any one my own age, and everyone I think is my age is old

Sedona, AZ


i dunno… i mean… st.pete, tampa, clearwater… all next to eachother. For vacation… yea…amazing. Thats how i felt when i first moved here. Felt like a vacation… but living here… completely different. Just becomes eh after a while


Ai, so many places in mind…

The southeast is nice but humidity and rednecks suck. I wish there was somewhere like SoCal on the east coast or not so far away…


If not Rochester it would have to be North Carolina…or maybe Pittsburgh


Carolinas. I spent a week there in the heat of summer in an ancient car with no A/C, so I can take the heat. It definitely hits you like a wall when you leave your A/C though. And rednecks are funny.:stuck_out_tongue: Funny this thread comes up during this weather. I was just stating my displeasure for Buffalo when I was shoveling my driveway for several hours today, as I swore at/booted the tail light out of the Lincoln that was blocking my snowblower in. I also hit it with a snow shovel.

come move down here so i have more drinking buddies :tup:

i live in wilmington

it’s great

you can mapquest me once you move then we can smash mailboxes in your car then crash it into a donut shop and blame it on a fat girl

Word, but like i said, traffic doesn’t bug me at all. It will more than make up for getting out of work to nothing but dark skies, cold weather and nothing to do but eat or go to a bar. Besides I can be the official vacation home of nyspeed if i get a nice house.

San Diego or Phoenix

Pen Island!

Oohh I hear thats a nice place.

Where exactly?

If I ever left Buffalo… maybe Raleigh, maybe Dallas, maybe Charleston SC. I haven’t been too many places where I’ve actually thought I’d consider living there over Buffalo. Actually, I did have that thought in Honulululululu, however it’s spelled.

San Diego weather is insane, sunny and mild every day of the year. Doesnt get that hot in the summer, doesnt get very cold in the winter. Why would you want to live anywhere else? Well because of friends and family. It is so far away it would really isolate you, nobodys visiting too often.

I think if I would was to relocate because of work reasons I would shoot for toronto. Its only about a hr from buffalo, looks to be growing like crazy, and a nice city. I really doubt I will leave buffalo unless I get a substantial increase in salary to compensate for it. I can live very well here for what I make, that will diminish as I move anywhere else.

Mali or South Africa