If you live in the USA....

I’ve owned 44 cars, everything I own right now is american made.

I feel, if its not a subie, your winter vehicle should be 4x4 and american.
Your summer car should be american and fast, supercharged 6 or v8.

Everyone should also have a commute/roadtrip car. A moderatly modded honda could work for this. (silly boys stop spending thousands to go 14 seconds.)

Why so harsh dick face? are you yet another e-thug like a few others i know? PM me for an address and we can meet any time you want…(i bet you don’t hahahaha)

You wanna talk mad shit? say it to my f*cking face hoe…see how far it gets ya…

Atleast i list western NY as my location,you list what? “Wandering Aimlessly” as yours?? LOL!!! What does that tell everyone?


Nyspeed. srs fucking bizness.

Mike, lay off him. The kid pretends to be a police officer and takes it to the point of creating police cars in videogames. He’s obviously mentally retarded.


What’s American is the one that’s majority owned by the American government.

I think everyone knows my answer but I’m going to say yes anyway… even though we have a Toyota store.

Its douchespews like him that get me paranoid when I’m driving home drunk because they feel the need to drive ex-police cars.

Drunk driving is cool. Driving an ex-police car is not.

lol at Beck

FYI: Chevy bowtie emblems are ALL made in Korea.

As much as I am okay with other people driving American products (as they should be okay with me driving imports)…If I’m drunk and ever have to run from the police, I’m glad they are rocking Fords. I’ll just let them chase me for 100,000 miles.

LOL I fucking hate passing fake-o-cops, slowing down and the realizing what I just slowed down for.

or more like 80,000 miles, amirite?



I feel like PULLING THEM over and puking in their lap. Or atleast ripping that god damned spotlight off their door.

please dont lump me into this thread, some of us appreciate police cars for their durability and reliability

or when you have a cab with no top sign in the rearview at night, so you think you are going to get pulled over for no reason.

Oh you’re talking about their bottom ends/transmissions.

I’m talking about wheelbearings. :wiggle:

Fuck the transmissions. When I worked for AAMCO, the Buffalo Police Dept was one of our best accounts.

Meh, I don’t get them confused for cops. I can usually smell the cab driver from my car.