ihatestickers.com black friday extravaganza!

just wondering about the orders, haven’t received mine yet :frowning:

Just checked on it… says it shipped today :wink: My wife got a bunch of them done today :slight_smile:

good deal!:number1

you have your pregnant wife who is about to pop out a kid doing all your manual labor? lol

+1 definitely will NOT be buying stickers from this slave-driver :rofl :hug

i got mine in the mail today!!!
thank you! they look great!

still waitin for mine…:ohnoes

Thats the way a real man does shit. Shes lucky all she has to do is weed and pack some silly stickers, I’d have my pregnant wife delivering appliances…in some hot pants

I need to order a new shocker sticker. Only lasted a few weeks until I had to brush some snow off the other day. The brush part scratched it off.

Got my stickers today. My only gripe is the CounterStrike stickers are the inverse of what they should be. Otherwise, everything looks good!

They’re the inverse when compared to our site or what you thought it was going to be? I’ll let my wife know and smack her around a bit. We just had a baby yesterday so she won’t be in for a while. I’ll try to get some sent out next week for ya. :slight_smile:

They are the inverse of the one on your site. I got a single center part, instead of the guy and the circle around him. I hope I explained that right. :lol

Got mine today
w00t! Lookin’ good! :slight_smile:

Yea thats what you need is more stickers

Congrats on the ankle biter Mike

i have a new ankle biter…except its furry…lol…and i have to stop by to my parents house and see if they got there yet…lol :lol

shit im always late i wanted a bunch of track maps :frowning: